Discussion: Nadler: Mueller Wants To Testify Privately, Provide Transcripts

Mueller probably knows how cameras will make Goopers grandstand and he doesn’t want the whole testimony derailed by people performing for the cameras. When it’s behind closed doors, they act differently.

(Yes, I know there will still be some grandstanding if it’s known that the transcripts will be public, but it doesn’t have the same effect as a sound bite, so there’s less incentive. Also: no eye-rolling or smirking will be recorded…)


I really wish Mueller would take a broader view of ‘integrity’ and look at the big picture here. If he testified to a closed session that Trump raped aborted fetuses, the GOP would still do nothing.


I am of a mixed stance here. Mainly because I do not know what he would say, open or closed session. I DO know that Traitors like Gym Jordan, Mark Meadows and others will be under orders from Team Trump to savage Mueller and subject him to more abuse than he has ever faced…and, bear in mind that, for Team Trump, it does not matter how professional and strong Mueller is.

Team Trump is a sleaze machine dedicated to chaos…

In a sense, Mueller has already “testified” and the REAL issue (open session or not) is BARR and what influence he has on Mueller.


Kind of odd the House would want testimony from a treasonous, traitoring traitor (uber traitor) committer of treason.


Do it full on for the public.
With his moral and ethical clarity within he should be able to answer every question truthfully and thoroughly
It can only seem political if he caters to the rights questions leaving room for doubt.
He can easily cut that off with verified facts.
He can and should just slam dunk trump toadies who are stupid enough to try and steer his answers to there benefit.
We already know there method to the madness of protecting trump.
The standard operating procedure is always the same, just the names change.


You forget, Mueller went through Marine OCS (it isn’t called the Crucible for nothing). No matter what Gym and othesr do or say, inside Mueller will be thinking, “That’s the best you got, amature?”


This is a good point.

Plus, Mueller has a whole lot more experience testifying under such circumstances. He’ll shove back where necessary.


He doesn’t want to embarrass Barr publicly.


I don’t know if preserving his dignity is Mueller’s main motivation here. Nadler himself says he’s speculating. I would understand how he felt if it were. But maybe getting heckled by dung-flingers like Jordan is the price you pay for telling the world that “did not establish” does not mean totally exonerated and “does not exonerate” doesn’t mean totally exonerated either. I would think he would care about that too. It has a million times more impact on camera, and maybe that’s his plan with an opening statement. But this is a key time in our history and he could sacrifice a bit of dignity. It’s like Atticus Finch getting spat on by Bob Ewell and explaining that if it spared Mayella a beating it was worth it. He could take a question or two that was beneath his craggy-visaged dignity and maybe it would be worth it if it helped the republic survive this.


Why speculate? If you are in some sort of negotiation, can you not just ask him his reasoning? Would that not be part of evaluating whether or not to meet his terms?


No one in government escapes with their dignity fully intact in the Trump era.


At least Mueller isn’t about to be executed for treason…or is that what he fears.?

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Do it, Jerry. Make that deal. Sooner rather than later. Get him in there. Let’s move this thing on down the tracks.


He went through the crucible of being in the lead on an infantry patrol in the jungles of Viet Nam, getting shot, convalescing, and going back for more.


Meh. That’s nothing compared with overcoming bone spurs and avoiding STDs while sleeping around.


This gets my vote. If in truth they have been friends for a long time, then that stands for something too, and it must sadden Mueller greatly to finally see Barr’s true colours. The push by Barr to wrap up the investigation, and subsequent phone call and letter taking issue with Barr’s “summary” must have been extremely painful for Mueller.


How about having the hearing recorded but not broadcast live. Important exerts could then be replayed.
I know different networks will replay different segments but that was going to happen anyway.


I’m no fan of military adventurism, and about 90% of the wars we’ve fought in were avoidable or of our own making. Likewise I think volunteering for an organization that engages in such follies is questionable.

However, if someone has distinguished themself honorably and by the rules on the field of battle, a great deal of respect is due. So much so that some idiot in a chair across from them says something supremely insulting and idiotic like “I like people that weren’t captured” I’d be all for that veteran cold cocking the jerk and stomping his ass bloody.

Mueller is too refined and restrained for such a response. But goddamn he’d have a few million people cheering him if he’d give in to the temptation.


I see a lot of Comey in Mueller. There seems to be a strong desire not only to act with integrity but also to be seen as acting with integrity. It was the latter motivation that led Comey astray.