Discussion: Nadler: House Judiciary Will Send Over 60 Doc Requests To Don Jr., Weisselberg, Others

Here is pending doom (I hope) for the Trumptanic:


Hey, Stable Genius has something new and important to say ā€¦

Get the evidence. Indict and impeach the motherfucker. And get him to STFU.


No, nor will it shame them into backing off. But it will remind the middle voters, the important segment, what the Republicans did and for how long they did it, and how they came back with not so much as the scalp of a pink Army dentist.


Letā€™s hear it for the House Judiciary. Weisselberg should be a wealth of information if he cooperates.


There is reasonable doubt regarding all three of those claims.


The panicked call of a drowning man. Sad. . . . well, not so much.


[quote=ā€œcaptain_america, post:25, topic:85070ā€]
There is reasonable doubt regarding all three of those claims.
[/quote]More than a reasonable doubt. Clear and convincing evidence of just the opposite of everything he tweets.


If he is subpoenaed he will have to co-operate or face jail for Contempt of Congress.


Every person is prison is innocent. If you donā€™t believe it, just ask them.


Is a document request the same as a subpoena? OMG are they ever going to be busy.


To quote the fabulous Cate Blanchette as QE l ā€¦ ā€œThis is the Lordā€™s work, and it is glorious in our eyes.ā€

Now, I donā€™t have the requisite brain cells left to game this all out, but thatā€™s never stopped me before. So, here goes.

I donā€™t want him impeached, firstly, Pence is worse. Secondly, I want Nadler and Miss Maxine to simply pursue the legitimate cases against Ivanka, Don Jr., Miss Jared, the Trump Foundation, and Trump Org. There is so much obvious malfeasance it should be draggedout through the next 18 months.

Make it so politically deadly for Republicans that they will be offering oral sex to any and all Democrats, in order to get rid of Trump and excise the melanoma.

I imagine (though have no actual knowledge) that Mitch and many upper echelon GOPers know just how dirty Trump is and what the spectacle of day in, day out, methodically, and professionally prosecuted investigations will do to the GOP in 2020. (Wow! thatā€™s a long sentence).

Just with the Foundation as slush fund, piggy bank, tax shelter, DJ Jr., Ivanka, and maybe Jared should go to jail.

And, that Inaugural Committee? Please.

They never expected to win and their collective inability to withstand even peripheral vision scrutiny evidences this, completely.

His rant to Cpac was basically, ā€œEverybody like us does this.ā€ Heā€™s right. But other people with his wealth (however much it may be) arenā€™t stupid enough, or arrogant enough to literally CRAWL under the microscope, with 2 raised middle fingers and SCREAM, ā€œIā€™m above the law!ā€

Nancy Pelosi has, nfortunately, had TWO years to prepare for what needs to be done.

At this point, Mueller is secondary. Russian interference and whatnot is too sophisticated and removed from daily life for most our country, aka short attention span theatre. We do however understand scandal, theft, greed and more importantly, we pay attention to it.

To the lady who said, ā€œIā€™m the mother of 5, and the grandmother of 9, I know a temper tantrum when I see one,ā€ I say, itā€™s time for granny to get the belt and end the g damn temper tantrum.



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The return of the Masterā€¦


No, but if the document request is ignored, a subpoena will likely follow. Also, once the document request is served, if any of the requested docs are destroyed that might well lead to a charge of obstruction, which is a felony.


Dems can gather all the documents that they want, and I hope they do, but Weisselberg will take the 5th on every question put before him, simply because he is equally culpable in the Trump Organizationā€™s money laundering, tax evasion, insurance fraud, and abuse of their non-profit status. He only has limited immunity, and he was deeply involved in every transaction.

Ultimately, his choice will be to flip when the criminal indictments come down, or suffer the same fate as Cohen for attempting to lie for Trump. He wonā€™t testify to Congress, but he will sing when the time comes to save his ass from jailā€¦


From the Times piece:

The upshot: Enforcing congressional subpoenas means protracted civil litigation. And thereā€™s every reason to think it will be only more contentious and prolonged with the Trump administration, given the presidentā€™s instincts to thumb his nose at legal orders.

Note that this analysis is concerned with subpoenas served on members of the executive. Weisselberg is not a member of the administration. Neither is Don Jr. Ivanka is.

We should absolutely throw everything we have at this crime family. But we should also know that weā€™ll almost certainly have to defeat them at the ballot box, ultimately.


By ā€œthemā€ what I refer to is those who supported Trump and are aligned with Trump. I do not believe that Trump himself will be on the Ballot in 2020.


I hope youā€™re right, re Trump. What scenario do you have in mind?


Thank you for that!

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2 things to keep in mind on Weisselberg.
Most of his work for Trump will fall under not only USA-SDNY, but the NYSAG and New York County DA (NY County mean Manhattan only) so he faces all kinds of non-Mueller and non-SDNY peril.

And heā€™s 71 years old.