DOJ is telling Congress to fuck off. We’ll get to you when we feel like it. I have not been one to say impeach Trump but it is time to impeach both Barr and Trump. This is outrageous.
Dear Publishers and Journalists,
Wait after Attorney Gaslighter has released the redacted Mueller’s Report BEFORE you write about it.
AND DO NOT parrot Attorney Gaslighter or Individual1’s tweets or Drumpfian propagandists without reading the redacted Mueller Report first or without comprehending the nuances of the verbal contortions from Attorney Gaslighter!
It is just good journalism practice!
Yep, one big, fat middle finger to the legislative branch.
The transparency astounds me. He doesn’t even make some trivial bullshit move to make it look like he’s on the side of the citizens of this country. I thought at least he’d make up some little charade, but we’re not even worth that much.
Yeah, this is more conspiracy to obstruct justice and interfere with the legislative function. Sanctions?
Almost as corrupt as Attorney General Loretta Lynch looking at photos of Bill Clinton’s grandkid on a plane!
Given the timing of the presser and release of the redacted report on Holy Thursday, the easiest Trump prediction ever is a Good Friday tweet from the Presidential shitter comparing the wholly deserved criticism of Trump to the crucifixion of Jesus.
Let’s do the metaphor again. Hip waders won’t keep you clean from all the bull shit that’s gonna I’ll from Batt tomorrow.
Yup. Once again, Barr and Shithead will own the narrative before congress, the press or us have any chance to review.
It is outrageous that the DOJ has been briefing the WH and now this? It’s time to begin impeachment of this fucking AG!
Jail. Barr. Now.
“First door on the left. One cross each. Next!”
Meh. Barr is doing his presser to announce that there is solid evidence of Trump’s criminal actions on collusion, that he’s delivering the full, unredacted report to Congress, and Trump can Go Fuck Himself.
That’s my fantasy and I’m sticking to it!
Nope. Not even close. Chatting about grandkids is code for dirty tricks.
Nobody shows up at the press conference. Barr stands alone on stage.
He’s done what he wanted to do, it’s probably fine with him if he gets ousted now.
True enough. But if they think buying a few hours, or days even, is ultimately going to do them any good, they are grievously mistaken. Barr’s previous try at this stunt bought them two years. Ain’t happening again, Billyboy. We’re onto your shit.
They are not releasing a pdf of this so it also limits how quickly it is made available to anyone. Another outrage and impeach them all Barr, Rosenstein, Trump, Pence the whole damn lot of 'em.