Discussion: NAACP Legal Defense Fund Takes Aim At Sessions In New Report On His Record

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He’s even wearing a white cap.

I find the fact that he could not even own up to his own history when filling out information for the committee equally disqualifying. We are going to entrust the rule of law to someone who can’t fill out his own questionnaire truthfully?


One issue is whether session’s will try to use medical mearijuana permits/registry’s as an arrest list on federal drug charges.
Granted these are suppose to be confidential medical records but the thugs have tried, and partially succeeded in Kansas, in violating medical privacy in persecution of Planned Parenthood and other health care providers.
And after all medical records aren’t sacred like, for instance, lists of concealed carry weapons permits.
We all know the warped reading of the 2nd amendment, ignore clause about well ordered militia and historical record, puts it as supreme above all others.

I really wish all these confirmation hearings went along the lines of the first three panels of this xckd comic, but I’m not hopeful. It is, as noted, unorthodox, but it wouldn’t be completely inappropriate, given the death and destruction these people have wrought/will wreak.

I think that Sessions is the most odious of this Cabinet of odiousness, but there are several that could give him a run for his money.


Too bad Sessions and the GOP nimrods don’t give a fuck about the NAACP, and never have…but for all those other people in the country that care about how unsuited and what a horrendous pick he is for the highest law enforcement job in the country, I say thank-you to the NAACP for your due diligence in this matter. It means a lot to all of us that care about fair and equal treatment under the law.


It will forever be known as the Cabinet of Deplorables.


Shame on people for electing this bigot - shame on Trump for nominating a racist to head the Justice Department and Civil Rights division, and shame on the Republicans for trying to push this guy through the process. Shame on us all if this goes forward.

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