Discussion: NAACP Is Working On'A Better Vetting Process' After Sterling Situation

Discussion for article #222078

Maybe the NAACP can invent a new award that has a big ball of unpicked cotton on the top and offer it to Sterling.

Maybe SOME vetting? Y’all dropped the ball here bigtime.


Maybe the NAACP is no more gullible than millions of other Americans!

Perhaps looking at more than money donated would be a good idea after all.

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All money is not good money as they say in dominoes. With Wall Street types and corporate raiders it is just the opposite.

In reality sport leagues and the Country can follow this advice: You will know a fool as soon as they open their mouth and the love of money is the root of all evil. Simple message.

Apply that to Wall Street, Big Banks, Charities, Political Operatives and Sport Leagues.

squirreltown wrote: Perhaps looking at more than money donated would be a good idea after all.

Especially true after losing the NAACP Legal Defense Fund to unsavory money donors years ago.

“Better vetting process”??