The NoKos ain’t going away. Neither are the Iranians, the Afghans or the Palestinians. Neither is climate change. The humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico is at a critical stage.
Time to turn away from the Twitter badinage?
ETA. All it takes is one mistake, one navigational error on a U.S. Bomber…
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If you keep poking a cranky, nasty orange bear, it will inevitably react. Badly!
FSM help us all…
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Moscow has called for both sides to cease their bellicose language. It’s yet another boon to Putin: the most irresponsible, revanchist leader on the planet gets to act as the voice of reason.
I’m gonna go with predicting more and even stupider taunts from Twitterbum. Any attention he gets be it good or bad feeds his beast. If his ratings go up over this…