Discussion: N.J. Dems Seek To Force Chris Christie Resignation Over 2016 Run

Discussion for article #238195

He’s not doing the state any good by spending the bulk of his time out of state…

Given what he’s done while in the State, I would quarrel with that assertion.


Can’t blame them for wanting him to resign-- for any reason.


It is his second term, not his third term


Error: "Christie has been missing in action during his third gubernatorial term " ?


This should be true for any elected official. How many of us would be allowed to “call in maybe new job” days off to try out new jobs?

This is tax payer money and officials should be expected to clock in at least their 5 days/40 hours and since they are salaried and expected to work 50-60 hours a week without extra compensation, I sure as hell was expected to do that and I was a lowly nurse.


I’m sure somebody told him not to quit his day job…

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Safe to say primary voters will tell NJ, no, you keep him.


I thought that was how Christie interpreted polls showing 65% or so of New Jerseyans think he wouldn’t make a good President. Because they want him to stay.


It doesn’t matter if it passes. it doesn’t matter if it DOESN’T pass. What MATTERS is that the GOP is seen to fight it and Christie is forced to talk about it on the campaign trail


The ultimate rebuke. They should do it. NJ legislators are like an abused and neglected spouse, fearful of getting out of a bad relationship but knowing something has to give, sooner than later.

No Dem is afraid of getting out of a bad relationship with Christie. That is why they are doing it. Nobody wants him. []=================================

would love to whats may happen to la page happen to christy…investigate and impeach him