Discussion for article #234759
Discussion: N.H. Lawmakers Backtrack After Brutally Rejecting 4th Graders' Raptor Bill Class Project
It seems NH never tires of giving me opportunities to call it the SC of the northeast.
And don’t worry kids because when you do get old enough to vote those legislators in front of you , most of them will still be there, will do every thing they can from encouraging you to vote. Make sure you have a original social security card, poto ID, copy of your birth certificate and and a letter from deceased mammy .
So, still a bunch of assholes in the NH legislature then.
What a-holes.
And preventing remarks from being entered into the permanent record?
What the hell is wrong with those people?
I saw this on Oliver and it just left me flabbergasted. I mean, wtf…this bill costs absolutely nothing. Shooting it down the way they did, with the kids right there in the Chamber, was just such an exercise in nothing but petty meanness. I was hoping someone was going to release a passel of hungry raptors into the chamber to descend upon these jerks.
Didn’t Christ have a special place in his heart for little children? The biggest asshole of all is Warren Groen, the guy who made the abortion reference. Just who did he think he was sucking up to with that comment? The evangelical haters Groen was trying to impress must be some really serious hardass MOFO Christians.
I could tell you what’s wrong with them, but it would take me all day, and I just don’t have the time.
…and the Bald Eagle dines only on avocados and alfalfa sprouts?
I fully understand the animus New Hampshire legislators hold for the red-tailed hawk. Among all its negative qualities is the especially galling fact it doesn’t speak English, instead communicating in some primitive “Aves” tongue no one can understand. And what the hell is it with all the feathers, anyway?
It’s obvious that the lawmakers were upset that 4th graders were able to put a bill together and they themselves can not.
Adults could learn a lot from 4th graders on how to conduct themselves. Oh, who am I kidding, they will never learn.
Ahhh, New Hampshire…keepin’ it classy.
Dis-elect the shouters.
Maybe the next project of the 4th graders could be to see whether NH has any recall procedures.
What struck me about this whole thing is that the kids were there to learn how the legislative process works. Then some asshole goes on a rant about abortion. And these are the same assholes who are against teaching sex ed to students. Fucking assholes.
I’m a Massachusetts native, and only live in NH to be close to my daughter, whom I share custody with. All my business is in Massachusetts. Still, I experience both states, and I always refer to NH as “New Hampshirestan” the Tea Party enclave of the northeast. What a bunch of assholes in the legislature. Glad I’m helping turn it into a blue state, despite these douche nozzles.
This is merely a symptom of the political polarization we are seeing nationwide. We are moving so far to the RIGHT and to the LEFT, that any centrist thought or idea (read that as decency) is treated as aligning with the “other” side.
I see it in politics, neighborhoods and even friendships. I am a commie for supporting ObamaCare but suddenly a fascist for wanting a balanced budget.
The most frightening aspect of this polarization is how fast such “debates” erode into the threat of violence. Whether it is discussion about killing a certain liberal politician or fire bombing a conservative think tank, both are unacceptable and violate the very principals this country was supposedly founded on. I think the word we used in 4th grade civics was COMPROMISE.
A pair of Merlin Hawks have set up housekeeping near my place. The pigeons and doves aren’t nearly so nonchalant as last spring.
C’mon. What do you expect from a state whose most notable feature is a piece of granite that looks like an old man (and collapsed years ago)?
These were all bills of no real importance. Maybe they should let the fourth-graders propose bills on more serious issues like budgets and health care. They couldn’t do much worse than some of these legislators, who are chronologically adults but have kindergarten-level minds.