Discussion: Murphy: Congress Needs To ‘Get Off Its Ass And Do Something’ After Shooting

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…

Why is it that 2A advocates always leave that part of the amendment out?


According to the Congressional Research Service, there are roughly twice as many guns per capita in the United States as there were in 1968: more than 300 million guns in all.


WTF, exactly, can be done at this point? It's us against 300,000,000 guns. Bleak odds.

The Republican Leadership, to a person, has sent “thoughts and prayers.”

Sheesh! What else do you want?


Ya dream on
If 24 babies in a school didn’t do it…
The NRA has it’s fist around the nut sack of congress.
How 5 million members that are somewhere between 6 and 7 percent of American gun owners has so much power…


So we have to assume that there is simply no line that cannot be crossed to have a discussion of gun control. Not a one. Hundreds or thousands, young and old, can be killed by a gunmen with an automatic weapon (that is necessary for, you know, hunting) but it still does not cross the line.

Wayne LaPierre is the number one person going straight to hell, express elevator.


Concerted action over time by committed people. That’s the only thing that will move the dial. Outrages won’t work if Sandy Hook wasn’t enough.


If you give enough people access to a tool, eventually one of those people is going to use the tool.

This really ain’t rocket science, folks.


“This must stop. It is positively infuriating that my colleagues in Congress are so afraid of the gun industry that they pretend there aren’t public policy responses to this epidemic. There are, and the thoughts and prayers of politicians are cruelly hollow if they are paired with continued legislative indifference. It’s time for Congress to get off its ass and do something.

Thank you, Senator Murphy! It’s about f’ing time for someone to say this loudly and clearly.

My heart still bleeds over the refusal to make essential changes to gun laws after the cruel murders of the little children at Sandy Hook.


Sandy Hook was pretty much the end of the gun debate. When Congress and the NRA decided protecting guns was more important than protecting children that’s when they cast their lot. There will be no gun legislation until every gun advocate is kicked out of Congress


Senator Murphy, they won’t. That’s why you need to draw a straight line to why we need to elect Democratic candidates for Congress. Its that simple. If people want it, they have to know Dems stand for gun control, even if it won’t solve every instance of gun violence in the country. It is time to politicize it, because the GOP has been duplicitous in getting Dems to back down and not say anything while they’ve politicized it by taking an anti-politicized stance…if that makes any sense. Its like fucking double-talk, or as Orwell would say doublespeak. Enough of the bullshit!


Sorry Chris. You need COURAGE to ‘do something’. Congress is sorely lacking in that respect. Their corporate masters and the batsht NRA do not allow bravery.


There was once a time I was cynical, but not cynical enough, to believe that a Congressman getting shot was the only thing that could possibly move the body to real, substantive action.

Oh, what simpler times those were.

Meanwhile, firearms manufacturer stocks are way up this morning, because of course they are. Why, what else would one expect to happen after yet another mass shooting?


All the fucking people who constantly say the Democrats need to stand for something ?
They stand for this. Always have. Democrats are the only ones who will fix this. Elect some.


Because it doesn’t fit their agenda or that of the NRA.

My thoughts exactly. These guys buy all these toys. They are itching to use them …

It is time that the police force of America speaks up. Where are their voices?


That’s a damn good question.

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Stocks may be up but under tRump, actual sales are down I read some time ago. Since Obama left office, gun manufacturers have been working hand in glove with the current administration to desperately demonize liberals as the next group worthy of being gunned down. Have you seen the advocates for their videos lately? It doesn’t take much for them to find a new target to stoke anger over in order to sell mo’ gunz. I guess the GOP in power so far hasn’t led to the boom in sales they were hoping for however. But its just a matter of time I fear…and I hate that as a Liberal and an American we’ve come to this fascistic state of going after political adversaries with violent threats by proxy groups like the NRA that support authoritarians like the current GOP. That’s some warped shit.

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Oh they will,they will push for more gun and gun sellers will set up gun shows all over the nation and sell more guns for the NRA as usual.