Nice with an unbiased opinion
they passed that mile marker ages ago.
Trump: Yes, The Storm is coming soon. I guarantee it. You aint seen nothing yet.
Who the fuck would give any credence to anything coming out of the mouth of that evil little leprechaun?
Trump or Mulvaney?
Okay, then, they want us to know that there is worse to come.
“I don’t think we’re close…”
“But this is Trump! Give him a chance!”, he said.
“He’s got a track record of success!”
So now we know what Trump was watching this morning before he let his twitter attack on Corker fly off the tips of his stubby fingers.
This was on NBC. He must have another TV tuned to Fox.
“I enjoy working with Sen. Corker, I think he’s going to be fun to work with and especially now that he’s announced that he’s not running for reelection because I think it sort of unleashes him to do and say whatever he wants to say,” Mulvaney said. “Like the truth - which is not something you hear from Republicans in general, and certainly not from me or anyone else in the administration…well, that moron thing from Tillerson was pretty honest, but that wasn’t supposed to get out.”
“In two weeks, we’ll have it in two weeks, mybe three; it’ll be great, believe me”
The hype >>> the execution
Bartender, make it two!
It’s amazing this guy has time to chime in with all the snatching food from the mouths of children and the poor he’s doing.
If the Trump “fairness doctrine” goes into effect, Chuckles the Toad will have to have a lotttt mooore Democrats on his show; a lot more.
I envision him speaking with his mouth full
Joe Lieberman will have to pull a multiple-Castaneda.
Trump’s only ability is to cause chaos.
He does not appear to know the fine points of anything outside of golf courses and grabbing women.
He follows the same course as Limpdick and his ilk. Lie about everything and predict dome and gloom then let someone pick up the pieces.
Mick, listen to what you just said. When you find yourself on national teevee saying you’re “not that close to chaos,” you just may be very, very close to chaos. Just sayin’, Mick.
A leprechaun with his armpit hair on his head …