Discussion: Mulvaney May Soon Be Permanent Chief Of Staff Because He's 'Stayed Out' Of The Way

Keeping Mulvaney permanently is also the least embarrassing option.

For now, sure.


Mulvaney may soon be permanent chief staff because he’s stayed ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶y̶

Slight correction.


“Trump doesn’t want to get turned down again, after Nick Ayers, Vice President Mike Pence’s former chief of staff, and ex-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie deflected his advances in December.”

Deflected his advances? What?

I thought when you were famous they just let you do it. Maybe he forgot the breath spray.


I’m pretty sure that just staying out of peoples’ way is literally the exact opposite of what defines the role of a chief of staff, the core one-line statement of purpose, but you do you, Donald. Not like rando assistant acting undersecretary of poopsmithing is going to interrupt you from anything other than Executive Time.


Man of the moment. As we all know eventually they’re not on anyone’s good side, unable to keep hiding in closets.


Job: White House Chief of Staff
Duties: Stay out of the way, be out of town when something important happens, suck up when you are in town, trash the press on a regular basis, deliver coffee and Big Macs.


That’s only for women.

Men he only wants to kiss his butt – and that Mulvaney does well, by letting Spankee do what he wants and spouting propaganda when Spankee needs reinforcements.


do you mean that that the gig for president of the U of South Carolina is off?

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So another no-show job for this administration.


Seriously, this. How many do we have on the Spankee roster who do nothing and draw comfy salaries and perks? Looking at you, Bennie Airhead.


Ultimately, organizations always take their culture from the top.


He is a tool.

Good morning all!

Standing still while everyone around you runs a muck isn’t much of a bragging right.

No, he immortalized Tic-tacs.

I will never purchase or use them again…

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Every morning Trump asks Sarah if Mick is still around.

A chief of staff in a more sane administration would be something like a co-president, someone willing to tell the Executive he’s wrong when he is and right when he is and keep him on that path. People nowadays don’t like Rahm, but he filled that role to a T for BHO

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Instead of getting shaky leadership from a CoS who is constantly being overruled by an incompetent boss, we now have no leadership at all.

This is what the governance of the United States has come to in the Trump universe.