Discussion for article #234087
“Multimillionaire Congressman …” That headline sucks. Multimillionaire has nothing to do with the news article. Zero. Nothing. Pure tabloid clickbait and I fell for it.
Correct. I wouldn’t have clicked, but Alan Grayson is always…interesting. He’s one of those people that are difficult. He fights for progressive causes, but you can see the crazy leaking out from him. Maybe it’s just the Florida leaking out of him. It’s pretty much the same thing.
More and more, it’s Anthony Weiner again. A progressive warrior with a huge load of crap in the background. This just sounds really disgusting. If he wants to dump her for some 20 YO chippie, give her a decent settlement, instead of this low-rent crap.
How well does getting a marriage annulled play out? When you have children!
Annulment = No alimony
Clearly the case. This guy has done very well in the law area, and she stands to get 50% of everything he has accumulated over 24 years, which is a lot. If he can pull of this cheap stunt, he keeps it all and she gets nothing. That’s just really disgusting. I have no respect for a man who has over 24 years had all kinds of relationships with his wife, and now is treating her like a used paper towel. God help any woman married to a lawyer like Grayson. He is basically a pit bull in human form, and when he sinks his teeth into something, he will get his pound of flesh.
Oh Noes!!!
Not Grayson…
Not knowing the facts of the matter I’m unable to form an opinion.
If Grayson was a Republican, the press would give him pass after pass like they do with Vitter, DesJarlais, etc.
Wow, it’s almost like you’ve been there in the house for 24 years. How does one get such hardcore opinions without the benefit of personal knowledge or evidence?
What is dumber? Naming a girl “Lolita” or marrying a girl named “Lolita”?
Close third place… using that name.
“There was also a delay caused by Lolita Grayson’s leaky breast implant”. That was worth the click.
Sure does.
What does it add to the story to mention specifically the wife’s “leaky breast implant.” Did the author find that detail amusing? Why not just say that she had a health issue.
I clicked to confirm my suspicion that this was an AP article.
It is.
NickDanger, I would draw your attention to this quote from the article above:
There was also a delay caused by Lolita Grayson’s leaky breast implant, and she has had a revolving door of attorneys.
I don’t know if Alan Grayson’s behavior in this divorce is as rant-worthy as you suggest or not. Maybe it is. But I do know that a “revolving door of attorneys” would seem to indicate that Lolita Grayson is no picnic either.
I just don’t think there’s enough information here to draw much of a conclusion either way. Not to mention that divorce often (if not always) tends to bring out the worst in people anyway.
I seem to recall an incident where she claimed he (Grayson) was assaulting her.
A video - by the daughter - showed otherwise.
I’m going to withhold judgment on this because the whole story (from the headline to content) seems sensationalistic.
Exactly. There’s explicit bias in the first word of that headline, particularly when you read the article…which has zero to do with what’s covered. Its an AP article. They decided to become a biased news source when Ron Fournier worked there, and its continued that way ever since then. Before that, it was a straight up news wire service. Why TPM accepts their articles, with their awful headlines, is what surprises me. Reuters does a better job imo.
I believe some politicians don’t really care which side they are on. They just pick one and make a good sales pitch to get elected to boost their ego. Their personal lives are just about doing whatever makes their dick feel good.