I can hardly believe how happy this makes me.
Karma Karma Karma Chameleon! Maybe Kerry (who actually served in 'Nam on an actual swiftboat) will get some payback.
It looks like Mueller is rolling up Stone associates. He is clearly a target and maybe a bigger fish than the media has made him out to be. He better have some really serious information to proffer or he is going to end up spending the rest of his life in a Federal lockup.
I am wondering about Corsi. What does he have to share with Mueller about the Russian investigation? Same as Kristin Davis?
Speaking of conspiracy theorists, this is a riot at the House social media meeting, where conspiracy theorist and Infowars contributor Laura Loomer stood up with her phone on a stick (that looks like a auction placard) and the former auctioneer trolls her to the max:
I hope Mr. Corsi wets his pants.
Hope that Mueller subpoenas Corsi’s long-form birth certificate. LOL!
Keep on rollin’ (them up), Mueller.
It may be the only time that Billy Long has ever been useful.
I don’t believe Mr. Corsi urinates in the way that you and I understand - I think he excretes a little ball of solid urea mixed in with remnants of rat bones and other indigestibles once a month or a little more often during molting season.
Jerome Corsi and his book of “swift boat” lies was instrumental in the very dawn of the modern environment of weaponized bogus news stories and astroturf movements that led in a direct line to birtherism and Russian troll farms.
The son of a bitch (apologies to all female dogs) deserves to be nailed to the wall with LOTS of small, sharp nails.
Mueller is, I believe, a decorated Vietnam vet, as was John Kerry. I know he is a straight shooter, but I can’t help but wonder if he has twinges when he looks at these chickenshits like Corsi, Stone and Trump who have actively sought to smear guys who risked their lives in military service. These guy are the real underbelly of right wing politics. Wonder how he is feeling about the Republican party these days?
Well, damn. I was hoping Stone would be indicted this week. Looks like we will have to wait a bit longer. The up side is that the wait is obviously driving Roger crazier.
That’s that entertainment site, right?
Stone and Corsi in jail - a lovely dream of them in orange suits for serving their orange lord.
Mueller is a professional - politics do not enter into his work. We will never know how he feels one way or another about any political party.
Conspiracy Theorist = Fabulist. Please use proper term for people who deliberately write and promulgate lies.
the appearance that he had advanced knowledge of information WikiLeaks would publish
Advanced knowledge is knowledge in depth. Whether or not he had that, the issue is whether he had advance knowledge: knowledge before the fact.
Of course we won’t. That needn’t stop us from wondering. I have to wonder how it feels for Mueller, as far as we know a lifelong Republican. He’s a smart guy, I’m told. He can connect dots. He has access to more dots than any of us. He knows, if he chooses to know, just how far back the rot in the party goes. Stone goes back to Nixon; Manafort almost as far. And that’s only two of them.