Anyone know if they’ve got the white noise thing in that courtroom for sidebars?
How the judge rules on this should give us some separation with respect to the different theories on why the judge is being extra-spiky toward the prosecution.
Gates was deputy campaign manager for Trump and obviously has a great deal of knowledge as to the inner workings of that operation. Allegedly, he was at the pre-meeting to the infamous Trump Tower conspiracy meeting. This is definitely not good news for Trump and other high ranking campaign persons.
Yeah, the WaPo story cited “overhead noise machine” or similar.
Mueller turns up his oven to eleven.
Hasn’t Judge Ellis forbidden all mention of Trump by both sides? Yet here we have the defense asking a question about Gates’ discussion of the Trump campaign with Mueller’s team during cross-examination. What gives, and why no yelling at the defense for asking the question?
Collusion! This proves collusion!! They are all colluding colluders.
Redacted Transcript
Judge Ellis- You rolled your eyes again right after I spoke.
AUSA- Did not.
Judge Ellis- Did Too.
AUsA - Did Not. You ruled our expert could sit in the Court all week and then you totally forgot your own ruling and chastised us in front of the Jury like we did something terribly wrong.
Judge Ellis- Did Not.
AUSA- Did Too.
Judge Ellis- I hereby declare a 30 minute recess. There will be no further eye rolling.
That won’t help, I understand that Obama can listen in through microwave ovens!
Mueller and his team are the consummate professionals. We’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg and the Orange Titanic Donnie and his crew will not have any lifeboats.
Perhaps that is what this “Space Force” is all about!
All the way from the break room? Man they’re good.
Ellis granted the government’s motion and ordered that the sidebar stuff about the ongoing investigation be sealed.
I guess he’s part of the rigged witch hunt now, too.
So, how does Nunes request the full transcript? And threaten the judge with impeachment if he doesn’t comply?
Ellis is a (retired) fighter pilot. He knows a good kill shot when he sees it. He’s probably jealous that he’s not 25 years younger and part of Mueller’s “Untouchables”. His statement to the jury this morning to ignore his sarcasm showed what side of this cluster@#$% he is on.
Retired fighter pilot, you say? Ah! That explains how he can see “tears” at a hundred feet.
Ellis typically tees off on defense counsel representing poor defendants—whereas here, Manafort is wealthy.
Also, Manafort was a key strategist for his idol, and the man who appointed him to the lifetime judgeship.
The speech and debate clause does not permit obstruction of justice. Mr. Nunes should tread carefully.
In the case of Nunes, I think that train has already sailed.
Mueller really knows how to handle our business very well! Thank you!