Mueller is a Republican, so, yes, it may well be a partisan cover-up document. Or Barr may have cut short the investigation, leaving it toothless and unfinished.
Still, that’s no reason to burn the report. Let the public see it, and we’ll figure out where to go from there. Unless, Devin, you have some reason to fear what members of your own party will report about the president and yourself?
Ah, now it gets interesting ! Please, do tell more, Devin !
And now, for our Two Minutes Hate…
“It’s all a trap laid by Goldstein Clinton Obama! RAGE!!!”
I like my steaks burned.
John Whitehouse (existentialfish) via TPM:
Devin Nunes tells Fox & Friends that Mueller’s report should be burned and that Trump’s DOJ should instead launch an investigation of the Obama administration.
Ri-i-ight. Because the umpty-hundred previous investigations by the House and Senate, which Republicans controlled for six years of Obama’s administration, weren’t enough?
Go fuck yourself, you traitorous moron.
Face it, Devin is worried he will be identified as a patty to a crime.
Late last night, when we were all in bed,
Devin Nunes left a lantern in his shed
and when his Cow kicked it over,
he winked his eye and said
“There’ll be a bought time in the old town tonight!”
This is one of the more encouraging stories today. Think about it.
Good thing I had swallowed my tea before scrolling past this…
Anyone else thinking of the PTA scene in “Field of Dreams”? Burning books, or government reports, is antithetical to the principles of the US…which makes it no surprise that Nunes wants it burned, he’s not interested in the Constitution or his duty as a representative. Nunes is scared that his name is in there, or that some other information will surface about his actions, and this is his response to that fear…we can only hope that he’s mentioned in one of these investigations, it would be better for the nation if people like him were kicked out of the government.
“Devin Nunes tells Fox & Friends that Mueller’s report should be burned.”
I was told the Mueller report exonerates Trump, his family, the White House staff, the Cabinet, the entire GOP leadership, the NRA, and half the Republicans in Congress.
Was I misled?
Your OneWordAnswer™: No.
Nunes is just having a cow over all this…
Clearly Devin Nunes is under the delusion that his opinion has some substantive worth. . . . .NO, Numes thoughts and opinions are completely worthless as he has proven time and time again. He is just a worthless Trump toady.
Go home, Devin.
I think so too. In fact I think this is the most interesting thing all weekend so far.
So do tell, Devin - you seem to know something or some things.
Methinks the cow doth protest too much.
Burn it! What an excellent idea! Because of course the monk down in the scriptorium only made one copy.
Seriously, what century is this guy phoning in from?
They all know what they’re guilty of… They’re just sitting around biting their nails, knowing they got called to the principal’s office and their parents were called in, but they don’t know exactly what the principal knows about what they did yet…
This guy’s attempt at a comedy career is really not working out so far.