Discussion: Mueller Probe Could Draw Focus To Russian Crime Operations


Pedal to the metal, Mr. Mueller…


And while he puts that pedal to the medal, he better watch his back…Putin’s hit/dirty tricks squads have been active outside Russian borders.


Mueller will be fired by Trump. It’s not a matter of if, just a matter of when.


Everyone involved in Mueller’s team, including Mueller himself, knows this and that’s why Mueller has hired top tier experts and appears to be working at breakneck speed.

Notice, too, that the massive “leaking” has slowed considerably. That leads me to think that the “leakers” are temporarily satisfied that forward progress is being made.

If Tramp fires Mueller - in whatever way he may attempt - watch for the leaks to resume and for the leaked material to get far, far more personal. If Tramp has been told even a tiny amount of what’s already been dug up on him, his family, his business and his admin, that may be the only reason Tramp has not yet arranged the firing of Mueller.


If/when Trump attempts to fire Mueller, the mechanics of the special counsel law make it fairly certain that there would be hours to days of lead time. (It has to be done by whoever is acting as AG, with a written description of the reasons, which might or might not be subject to factual challenge.) I wouldn’t be surprised if there is already a file of indictments – based on current evidence – waiting to be released if Mueller learns that a firing is in progress.

And yeah, turmp and a republican congress would ignore those indictments, but it would weaken their already-weak position.


It’s also important to remember that even should Comrade Cockholster fire Mueller that won’t make the evidence he’s gathered go away.

Another thing to bear in mind is that firing Mueller would just further inflame the FBI and, if the shirts worn at the recent FBI Family Day are any indication, incite a full-scale rebellion against the Comrade in Chief.

In a weird way, and though I simultaneously find this thought about as horribly repugnant as the First Baptist Church of Dallas choir singing “Horst Wessel Lied” “Make America Great Again,” I would almost like to see no prosecutions begin until a Democratic president is in office, in hopes that any pardon(s) would be impossible to justify. Then I’d like to see prosecutors take down the entire Trump-Kushner mafia all in one fell swoop.


I’d noticed that too - I’ll bet you’re 100 percent correct as to the reason! I think - and certainly hope - Mueller and his team are aware and prepared for the depths to which Donnie Two Scoops will sink to prevent the truth from getting out - basically none.


I’ll go way out on a limb here and say “Mueller and his team are smarter than anyone squatting in the White House.”


Ha - good point! Not as ruthless though.

ETA - they need to be vigilant about whom they meet for tea, was my point.


Yesterday’s cover of Time magazine.


Sagan disqualified… swift justiice

Putin and our dumkopf have chosen to stick their thumb in the eyes of the National Intelligence Community. My guess is that it hasn’t gone over well with those folks.


One of the ongoing really sad thoughts is that the IC is the people we’re usually afraid of for subverting democracy. And here they’re our best hope.


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And so many will simply dismiss this as more “fake news” and complain about disrespecting Trump. I respect him now as much as I ever have, or ever will. (With apologies to the writers of The Simpsons.) I sure hope Director Mueller is able to complete his investigation and return some richly-deserved indictments. Trump is hip-deep in Russian corruption, and even if he isn’t; he is definitely going to be found guilty of obstruction of justice.


"You follow drugs, you get drug addicts and drug dealers. But you start to follow the money, and you don’t know where the fuck it’s gonna take you. " - Det. Lester Freamon, The Wire