The best ones don’t.
When Trump first started, I asked some people if they thought he was smart, and there were some “Yes, because…” answers. I would not be so mean as to go and ask those people again.
It is the venerable “Good Ole Boy” defense of the south. It excuses virtually all crimes, no matter how heinous, and is automatically (and only) available to white men.
“He said he didn’t murder — I asked him again. You can only ask so many times. I just asked him again. He said he absolutely did not murder!"
I guess the cookie-murder will never be solved!
Thank you.
I wonder whether the administration will do this. It seems to me that they enjoy the wiggle room that they have under the status quo. This is the moment they are asked to choose a story and commit to it, and it deprives them of the ability to respond to new information by embellishing on their narrative in whatever direction misleads the press and public the most.
Not a good comparison as Spanky, unfortunately, hasn’t been charged or arrested. Don’t get me wrong here as to where my sympathies are…my first thought every morning is “did Spanky die last night?” A president is not above the law, but is subject to a very special law.
Translation: Mueller has already got all he needs to hang that lying bastard.
Invisible ink!!!
I would. It’s not as if their answers have changed, so they won’t be embarrassed at all.
One of their wriggly narratives is that this witch hunt would end quickly if only Mueller would let the president clear things up by communicating with him. Mueller is, if nothing else, terminating that particular wriggle. And if the white house actually answers the questions, hoo boy, fresh heaping pile o’ perjury and obstruction.
Not the latter - regrets, he’s had a few.
As if Donald could read that many questions much less write answers, even if completely incoherent, for them!
I can believe Dowd said all that stuff about Donald because it seems true. I just can’t believe that they said it to or in front of Woodward knowing he was writing a book. And I can’t imagine them saying it, knowing they will deny it later on either. I’d more believe maybe Woodward over heard it, but even that seem implausible. Not really sure what to think about this book.
Mueller Will Now Accept Trump’s Written Answers On Russian Election Tampering
Try to imagine any other person being investigated by the FBI being treated with kid gloves this way. I can’t
I’m assuming two things:
- a lawyer will write the answers, and
- Trump will sign them under penalty of perjury.
Which lead me to a third thing:
3) when the answers become problematic, the lawyer who wrote them will suddenly become a “coffee boy.”
Nor is there redemption for his supporters. I can’t wait to watch those mouth breathing slugs pretend “Trump who?” when his treasonous behavior is made public. We must make a clean sweep. Get every single collaborator out of positions of power, prosecute and imprison the co-conspirators in congress and out. Lock them all up.
Woodward has journals, notes, emails, and hundreds of hours of taped interviews. He would not tape someone with out their permission as he did with the phone call with trump that was just released. His job is as an author of Presidential administrations and he’s done it for 8 Presidents. It’s hard for me to imagine the trump crew could not put 2+2 together and realize Woodward was gathering material for a book.
They don’t disbar coffee boys.