Trump will now announce he’s divorcing Melania, and marrying Putin.
You can’t testify against a spouse, right?
“There were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election and that allegation deserves the attention of every American…”
“… and also the attention of the President.”
This Mueller 9 min statement will penetrate the public consciousness more than the prior articles on the topic. It has already made Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg and a few others to call this an impeachment referral and to call for a formal impeachment inquiry. The tweets from Nadler and House Judiciary also talk about this going to the next step.
Would love to see Mueller’s statement wake up more than just Amash to the corruption that typifies this administration. I mean Republicans getting the message. The public needs to be educated Mueller took a step. Even if his testimony is largely a reiteration of the report, it provides the background to convince folks of Trump’s corrupt behavior.
Even Chris Christie -yikes
This shows how effective saying something is in his day and age. All that Mueller did was reiterate the report and everyone is acting like it’s the news of the century
It’s like loyalty, but it can’t be bought. Trump can’t comprehend it.
Purchased loyalty is loyalty to self-enrichment.
Yup, he said read the report, it is all there, Russia interfered in the election in a massive way on behalf of Trump, hacked and stole email and published stuff to hurt Clinton’s chances, also used social media to spread misinformation. In addition he stated quite clearly that the OSC could not and would not exonerate Trump of obstruction. Barr was who did that little piece not Mueller.
I spent quite a few years working in tech support. A lot of what I did was to read the manual (or the web page) to people who perfectly well could have read it themselves, but they somehow found it preferable to screw around randomly for a while, get themselves tied in a tight wet knot, and then call for help.
We called it “job security”.
So publishing the report and thinking that was sufficient to inform the public is really disturbingly naive. Barr didn’t read it. Graham didn’t read it. Your FOX-addled angry uncle sure as hell didn’t read it. You have to tell people what was in it.
We are not helped by Mueller’s Hamlet-level hesitation and indecision.
Here are some other characterizations I would like to offer for Mueller’s lack of forthrightness:
Indecisiveness, irresolution, vacillation, equivocation, reluctance, demurral, indisposition, timidity, uncertainty.
It is maddening.
Yup. I’ve been arguing we needed him on tape to get through to a whole segment of the population that can only absorb information via their eyeballs and although this is not quite the “Napalmed girl running from burning village” or “Shooting the Viet Cong guy in the head” level of connection, it’s a damned sight better than a screen shot of the report showing half the page redacted out so I’m glad we have it.
So, let’s all declare that Mueller called for impeachment and support those who are calling for escalation. Oh, and let’s still get Mueller before Congress and make him take questions and spell things out even clearer for those who need a clue-by-four to the head before they can see it.
He wasn’t indecisive. He made some decisions I don’t agree with, but he has been clear about what he did. It’s all in the report. Folks should read it. The maddening thing is the lack of attention span by the media and the unwillingness of the Democratic House leadership to invest any political capital into educating the public about what this report says.
Chrispie knows he ain’t gettin no 2020 election gig.
Perhaps they know that the RoI on investing political capital into educating the public is near zero?
Wish TPM would stop using “meddle”. Mueller said Russia “attacked.”
He was indecisive because he didn’t state whether a non-president would be charged with obstruction of justice under similar circumstances. I see nothing that prevented him from doing that yet he did not.