Discussion for article #241409
No, Joe, please. Keep your clothes on.
I don’t watch the network in the first place, so…
God help us…NO!
I see the powers that be at MSNBC want to make it the next CNN.
Thank goodness for radio.
You got it. CNN is now Fox lite. MSNBC is now CNN lite.
Meh…MSNBC was already dead to me, so it changes little. However, I would greatly prefer that Dead Intern be given no public spotlight whatsoever…and certainly no soap box for his mindless rantings.
MEH, I say.
It was Joe and Mika that drove me to watching local news in the morning before heading off to work. I still watch Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell most evenings but other than that, MSNBC is cable news network non-grata to me.
I use to watch a lot of MSNBC. Before they shit canned Alex Wagner, Joy Reid, Schultz, Finney, and Sharpton, MSNBC was pretty much the background music in my life. The only time I absolutely refuse to watch the channel is before 9. I could suffer through Chuck Todd’s show before I could torture myself through Morning Joe.
These days, unless there’s a major news event I don’t even consider turning it on before Hardball at 7, and I’m usually finished by 8:30 or so, depending who Hayes has on. I used to be able to recite MSNBCs daily line up from 6 am to 11 pm. Now I don’t know who is on before 7 pm.
I sincerely hope I’m not the only MSNBC addict in recovery. I hope others are tuning out in droves. The way they’ve turned in their loyal viewers and the ones who stuck by them is despicable. I hope with this latest move, the network fails miserably, and is forced to get on their hands and knees to beg some of their talent back. I would like nothing more than to hear they were forced to grovel to Keith.
No one watches joe blow now! MSNBC you will be losing even more of your very few viewers!
Take my word for it, Los Angeles is actually happy we are asleep during his show and have no desire for more Joe. Time to contact NBC folks and let them know - NO MORE JOE
You mean like all 14 of those MSNBC viewers?
Who cares? No one I know watches this dreck, anyway. It’s Beltway Bubble pablum.
I guess I am one of them. I don’t watch Morning Joe but I do watch it most of the day an would never miss Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow or Lawrence O’Donnell. Where else are liberals supposed to go to get their information
There is only one show worth watching on cnn lite (msnbc) and that’s Rachel.
Meanwhile, msnbc can take chuck (gop/bag ass lick, jr.) and joe blow (the gop/bag ass lick) and go pound sand!
I am not happy about shit canning Joy Reid for sure and Sharpton but I still watch because I love Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell… As smart as Alex Wagner is, IMO her show sucked. I am still fascinated that you find Hardball so good. I just don’t like not knowing which Chris Matthews will show up on any given day
I quit watching this show a long time ago.
Please no more of morning Joke. He is a know it all blowhard without the ability to understand facts. It is bad enough that MSNBC has turned into a droning east coast focused news feed. There is a lot of news stories to cover and yet we see a lot of east coast weather reports and nonsense about trending polling data about “questions”. You had a great program at noon with Krystal Ball and Ari Melber that you could have expanded to two hours.
The only worthwhile shows are those with Chris Hayes and Lawrence O’Donnell. Rachel Maddow can be good but sometimes she becomes repetitive. She’ll play a clip and then repeat what was just said. I heard it the first time. Or at times she will start talking about something that is maybe remotely connected to the underlying story so she wastes a few minutes talking about something irrelevant. Chris Matthews has occasional moments but his constant interruptions of guests gets old fast. Plus his insistence on pronouncing war criminal Dick Cheney’s name as Cheenee. Matthews it is his name and he can decide how he wants it pronounced. Should we call you Matt-hews because I knew a guy that pronounced it that way once.
I only watch Hardball and Chris Hayes…
The rest of it kind of stinks, imo.
Rachel cannot seem to get to the point without rearranging the words and saying the exact same things she already said at least 3 times.
The newbee Kate Snow is incompetent and so is Brian Williams. He obviously cannot handle live news …plus he is a wise ass.