Discussion: MSNBC Host Says Man Muttered 'Rise To Power,' Threatened Her In Iowa

Discussion for article #245487

She didn’t recognize Donald?


There is a menacing element to many of the other side’s support. We all know this. Sad that it goes unnoticed by the vast unsophisticated middle.


She’s lucky the guy’s dog didn’t bite her.

Another patriotic tRump supporter, no doubt.


At that point, Harris-Perry said the man moved close enough to her where she could "feel his breath." She wrote that he then told her: "I just want you to know why I am doing this.”

“I freeze. He speaks. And moves closer. Is there a knife under the coat? A gun? Worse? And I can’t hear all the words,” she wrote. “But I catch ‘Nazi Germany’ and I catch 'rise to power.' But I can’t move. I am lulled by a familiar powerlessness, muteness, that comes powerfully and unexpectedly. ***It grips me. Everything is falling away.***”

OMG, Harris-Perry would be a quaking heap of fear and panic by the end of any NYC subway ride. Geez........

The current GOP carnival must be a magnet for the twisted.
The Trump rallies especially have been frightening.


…fortunately, most of those crazies were focused on the Oregon Bozo Rebellion.

But there’s no doubt, Trump’s drawing the “Taxi Driver” crowd.


so, he must have been a “dirty hippy” like Aqualung? classy…

Yep, we have left “politically correct” speech behind. Now, it’s ok for people to threaten and probably assault people under the protection of the First Amendment, Stand Your Ground and Open Carry laws.


Obviously, you have never been threatened or attacked in your lifetime. Good for you. Other people not so lucky and there are effects beyond the obvious. You suh are a cretin of the highest order.


But it sounds like she could benefit from a lot of therapy if something that happened forty years ago, no matter how traumatic, results in her flipping to a disassociated kind of state because of another person. This is pretty much what therapy is classically about. Freezing and going blank is not a productive reaction to potential assault.

He wasn’t shooting people around her with an AK-47 in a dark alley. He was vaguely threatening her and standing too close in a crowded public space.

I’m no hero and in fact completely a wimp, but I was thrown down and kicked and beaten by a gang of Hispanics in a park once for no reason. Another time I answered the door and a young black guy punched me in the face and knocked me out for no apparent reason. Another time a pickup truck stopped and the passenger asked for directions and then they assaulted me. I’m sure many people have had their own similar experiences. I don’t freak out on the subway. If I did I would get needed therapy.

I’ve always wondered if the anchors of these shows had some sort of plan to deal with an incident of this type. When you are a public figure on a nationally televised show, especially one that might have values different than some people, wouldn’t it make sense to have some sort of a plan for an incident like this? I dont pretend to know what that plan would be though


I think you are assuming that she is not, but I believe she has stated that she is still working through those issues which would imply that she is still in therapy.


There are 325 million people in this country. Probably something like .000001% suffer some sort of violence in the course of a year. You may as well live in fear of being hit by lightning or being bitten by a shark. The goddamned media and Republicans have everyone thinking death lurks behind every door, underneath every overcoat and along every foot of sidewalk. People need to get a fricking grip.

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What exactly are you suggesting by this remark?


By your math, there are 3.25 victims of violence in this country per year. Thanks, Obama! And Yay Math!


emjayay, I can assure you that I (and most people I know) would feel quite threatened by that behavior. No amount of therapy will (or should) inure you to an implied threat from a stranger who is not acting normally. Ms. Harris-Perry’s reaction was entirely normal.


I was once unable to address an overarching point when confronted with a bit of hyperbole, too. Then I turned 7.

Sorry you had to go through this Melissa. Obviously, you have come a long way from your horrific experience judging from your obvious on-air ability, poise, and political commentary. This man was obviously crazy and suffering from his own demons.