Discussion: MSNBC Asks If Plane Crash In France Was 'Hacking Incident' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #234637

Or, ya know, it might have been aliens! Klingons shot down the plane!

Or it was food poisoning…the pilot and copilot both ate fish. Unfortunately, Ted Stryker wasn’t on board.

OR maybe it crashed because the Great Intelligence took it over and the Doctor was late trying to stop it!

Or maybe it was a mundane reason for it crashing…


The 24 hour “news” cycle strikes again.

All speculation, all the time. We throw out bullshit, you take a wild ass guess.

Which is probably why I spend more time watching The Daily Show these days than I do the cable news networks.

I’m sick and tired of people who need “evidence” before they can spin out a theory. Maybe it was hacking. Maybe it was a black hole leading into another dimension. Maybe it was a race of atomic supermen.

i had msnbc on early this a.m. and within minutes of this coming across the internets it was nonstop speculation. at this point they had absolutely no idea where (the alps), or any particular details about the aircraft/passengers/etc. but that doesn’t stop meeka and her retired pilot pals dragged out of bed at 7a to speculate about something they have even less info on…

i mean, it’s not like there were a couple of major developments re one of the more contentious diplomatic efforts currently underway – like, oh, james baker remarking how unhelpful netanyahu has been; and the israeli spying on the negotiations with iran…


“Those who know don’t tell and those who tell don’t know.”

― Michael Lewis, Liar’s Poker

They don’t even wait for the wreckage to stop burning before they peddle FEAR at you. Ghouls.

My electroderpiogram is reading a major myoderpial infarction…someone grab the paddles, stat!!!

You get a like if only for the Dr Who reference (Matt Smith would have made it in time)

After listening to the clip…it really doesnt sound that far fetched

Thanks… :slight_smile: I have been a Doctor Who fan since I was 8 and watching Tom Baker as the Doctor.

Any speculation about the NBC crash?

Get rid of cable news.


Blab to the audience."

Pundits vying to get their 'I’pinion out there before anyone else…

Don’t forget SATAN!
Or even JESUS! HE brought the plane down because of America tolerating ABORTION, and Bi-Racial Marriage, and not killing the GAYS (or some such Reich-Wing bullshit.)