Discussion for article #225616
Self-awareness is not big with this group.
Lol, confirmation that MS and it’s Gov really are nuts.
Let’s give him some credit for the consistency. In the right-wing mind, this isn’t any more crazy than blaming mass shootings on not having enough guns on the street.
Hey TeaBAggers!
You’re getting screwed .
C’mon ! Did anybody think they weren’tgonna blame Obama for it ?
“It is sad how many out there need health care who are not getting it. I
hear from them every day. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves for not
taking the federal money to expand Medicaid,” state Rep. Steve Holland
(D) said.
Wow, if this is “pouncing,” I can see why Rethugs keep pulling their crap. What’s Holland going to do next, send a strongly-worded letter, and say “Harumph” a few times?
If I were Phil Bryant, I’d be calling a press conference, just to laugh at the Dems.
GOPH: Grand Old Party of Hypocrites.
This is sort of like napalming your own neighborhood, then bitching that the houses on your street lack curb appeal.
But this is what they do. The pol, out of indifference to his constituents, fails to acts and blames the president because the conditions of the constituents are worsening. It’s not enough that MS gets $3.00 for $1.00 it sends to the Federal government, but to not want to spend Federal government on uninsured poor people is a crime.
Phil Bryant - The one Guv who makes Scott Walker look smart.
Own it, moron.
The GOP built that
It is technically Obama’s fault. If Obama weren’t a black Democrat, and were instead a white Republican, Mississippi would have been totally fine with the expansion of Medicaid. Ergo none of this would have happened and the uninsured rate in Mississippi would have likely dropped. tHAnkAS OBummMMER!!!
Motto of all the other Southern states: “At least we’re not Mississippi.”
Dear Mississippi Democrats, how about you point out that tax payers in YOUR state are paying for health care for citizens of OTHER states?
And that Bryant is responsible for that. Kai, thx, bai.
Mississippi defends it’s claim of being the place to insert the tube when America needs an enema.
The linked article at least tries to point out that this is Mississippi’s problem, not the president’s:
Legislative Democrats countered that if the governor and others had led the effort to take advantage of the benefits and options offered by the ACA that the state, like the rest of the nation, would have seen a drop in the number of uninsured.
However, that makes it sound like it’s mere negligence that MS is not expanding Medicaid, rather than malice.
Odd that all across the country, every state is seeing a huge drop in the uninsured. Except for Mississippi. For which Obama gets blamed.
republicons.the party of takeing RESPONSIBILITY .never seems to actually take any for there actions it’s always someone elses fault for their policy failures