As of this morning it like like mega bitch Irma plans on a road trip right up the middle of the Florida peninsula. If that happens it will make Katrina and Harvey look like lawn sprinklers. I really love living in Florida but this shit works on that. If you haven’t been in a hurricane let me tell you…they really suck. Try, if you can, not to make jokes about this one hitting Mar a Lago or Rush Limbaugh’s pad. Lots of people are alive today that will not be in a week. Lets keep this real.
Not to mention the actual American citizens in Puerto Rico, which is already struggling to just keep the lights on, thanks to the Wall Street owned Congress forcing impossible financial conditions on them.
This is interesting in light of people wanting to send donations for Harvey and soon Irma. Have no idea how true it is, but I can believe it might be somewhat.
The NOAA-NHC projected 5-day path is admittedly a best guess and can easily change as time passes.
Nonetheless, it’s downright disheartening to see the current mainland US landfall point is around Homestead, FL. The 25th anniversary of Hurricane Andrew’s landfall was just last month. It was category 5, too.
Stay safe!
I still really wish this thing would only sink Mar-a-Lago, the moron’s golf course, and the climate change denier gov’s residence. It sucks hurricanes don’t know who are nuts and who are not. Stay safe.
Also have a look at UMCOR - the United Methodist Committee on Relief. 100% of donations go to relief efforts.
I was working for the Social Security Administration and was sent to Homestead on a special detail about eight weeks after Andrew had hit. I remember being driven to the office and seeing every single building damaged: some more, some less, but not one was spared. I remember thinking that there weren’t enough skilled workers to be able to fix these homes and businesses.
Your source?
But your point about investigating the expense/benefit ratio of charities before donating is well-taken.
Having worked in the non-profit sector, I have a problem with the idea that you have to live a life of poverty to work in non-profits.
Then I have a whole other problem with the idea we need non-profits at all, to me it points out the gaping hole in the republican and libertarian market ideal. That the market ‘naturally’ put goods, money, and services where they need to go. If they did, we wouldn’t need non-profits.
That said, absolutely don’t give to a non-profit that pays their CEO those ridiculous sums of money. And FU*K Mark Curran to the moon! Goodwill is supposed to be a work training program and they don’t even do that.
stolen from yellowdog granny slew of single frame posts from today