Or some Deli in Boca where he kibitzed with the diners.
It was never about whether Scarborough killed the girl, which was unlikely. It’s about the fact that her death notice in a local Republican owned rag of record said nothing about where she worked. Here is a young pretty pregnant married intern/staffer found dead in congressman’s office (a known womanizer) and Scarborough’s friends tried the old ‘nothing to see here move along’ method to keep him out of it. Would a Democrat have been treated the same? You mentioned Vince Foster so you know the answer.
Haven’t looked at the case for a while so I am not sure about your other assertions. Think I’ll do some research.
Tiffany Bates was a co-worker in another office, talked to her just before 5 PM and Klausutis said she was not feeling well.
As to the other, here is a Daily News article from that time.
The report mentions two people, including a postal worker, who stopped by Scarborough’s office the day before Klausutis was found. Both said Klausutis told them she was “anxious and did not feel quite right,” according to the report.
So now we have these people involved as well.
Who cares what some “local Republican owned rag” said? How does that equal “conspiracy”. All this stuff is no different than the Benghazi BS or the Vince Foster nonsense. It’s sophomoric nonsense.
Any reason why Lori’s family and friends NEVER questioned this? It’s only nut jobs that do.
You do realize that you are insulting Neal as you say that he is a nonsensical sophomore.
There is also a thing called tact, and you lack that greatly.
And face it, you yourself don’t really, really know all of the answers exactly. Nutjobs also speculate with absolute certainty, so that, in fact, should end your argument.
No, I said the conspiracy stuff is sophomoric nonsense. He himself said he does not think Joe had her killed, so he is not buying the sophomoric nonsense. His issue was about some paper. I clarified a few points and said the conspiracy stuff that HE did not believe was sophomoric nonsense. You misunderstood my “tone”, which is always a problem with written text. I’m a NYer, we talk like this all the time.
Don’t blame it on New York, that is so weak.
Your take on your meaning aside, its still rude. New York rude or whatever and your own comment flies right back at you.