Discussion for article #244499
Moanin’ Ho will stoop to anything to damage Hillary.
Did you see that? Wow…he literally shouted down Ford Jr., and never even gave him a chance to respond! How does this asshole do well in the ratings? Is this what passes for civilized discourse these days? And Mika made some obnoxious comment too. Is Ford a known Clinton supporter or something? Either way…what a dumb, stupid man this Scarborough is. Conservatives lack any ability to debate or argue logically.
Hard to believe that Joe is now 0 for 2 at staying married.
How could any woman let a prize like him slip out of their grasp?
Morning Trump is extremely biased. Is it just me or are Mika and Joe really smug? This morning they also talked about the democratic elites having to discuss who they will run against Bernie Sanders if it looks like he’ll be the candidate. It’s almost like they think the Washington politicians pick the candidates, not the people. What an awful show…
Comparing Clinton to Cosby isn’t wrong, it’s inaccurate.
I admire anyone who has the intestinal fortitude to sit through even 5 minutes of this show.
Joe will do and say whatever to denigrate Mrs Clinton. He is a first class pandered for Donald Trump!
And just as Trump wanted and Chuck Todd yesterday helped along, the rest of the media gleefully goes along with “discussing” Bill Clinton’s “impact” on the presidential race. So predictable. And classic kowtowing to another GOP meme. Of course no one bothers to mention how Bill Clinton was very popular while in office and when he left office. Still is.The GOPers just hope that their media buddies will continue to repeat their meme. And they will, gladly.
Yes. He and Chuck Todd.
Strange, Joe, but I don’t seem to recall - and please, do correct me if I am mistaken in any way, shape, or form - any of Bill Clinton’s extra-marital dalliances being found dead on the floor of his office.
Shall we talk about THAT, Mr. Scarborough?
He DOESN’T do well in the ratings, and that is one of the reasons progressives are leaving MSNBC in droves, since Phil Griffin promotes this useless Teabagger as though he was as popular as “Seinfeld” when, in actuality, he has ratings comparable to a 3 AM rerun of “Walker: Texas Ranger”. Joe’s ratings are so low they leave skidmarks on the bowl.
For all of the Clinton’s history, good and bad, they have remained married. Scarborough and Trump have been married multiple times but still wrap themselves in the cloak of “conservatism.” HUH??
Only a matter of time before Morning Joe changes their MSNBC “bug” to “Stop Hillary”
In another segment, Chris Christie explained how drug use is an important issue not that it has affected people “like us”. I used to enjoy Morning Joe. It was stupid with occasional bright spots. Now it’s just stupid.
Joe Republican and Mika…SERIOUSLY. Connecting the DOTS from Cosby to Clinton…LOL
We want to talk about the BIG ELEPHAN in the room and that’s Donald Trumps many, many wives. NO ONE wants to touch that hot topic with a ten foot pole…COWARDS.
How about Donald’s choking of his first wife and rape charges…that came from her?
Mika aka: Joe’s echo
Bill will probably damage Hillary’s run just as much, if not more, than he did for President Obama’s — BOTH TIMES ! — Oh…wait —
What about the dead intern, Joe?
But the show still provides occasional material for liberal outrage porn.
The idea here is there are many more women to come forward with regard to Clinton. Rather brilliant deception by the GOP.
I’ve already heard this line a couple of times today. Some Rovian slime obviously came up with it over the weekend, and they’re running with it.
This will be sort of like Benghazi, no content but no end.