Discussion: 'Morning Joe' Hosts: Gillibrand 'Weak' Not To Name Male Colleagues (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #227012

What a bunch of crap. This is just “he said/she said” journalism/punditry carried to its logical conclusion. There is no point in Gillibrand naming names unless she has evidence and unless there are witnesses or she has recordings, there is no evidence. In which case, naming names just results in a “he said/she said” disputation. Apparently, this is the only way TV pundits can function.


I was about to say exactly the same thing. “Naming names” here is about the need to fill cable news airtime.

The Senator’s decision to no name names is testament to her integrity no wonder the hosts of Morning Joke were offended - integrity being an alien concept to them!

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OK, Joe. If that’s your standard, then why don’t you take the lead. Every time you talk about something you were supposedly told by one of your many, many sources you claim to have on The Hill, you have to name your source. Otherwise, shut up.

What a bunch of asses, do they think she memorized each degrading moment and wrote it down in her diary? Sometimes the clueless forget that they aren’t walking on water. It sounds like these may have been often enough that, while embarrassed and angered, she did what a lot of women do, suppressed it and went on with her life.

Hey guys we don’t remember all the a**** that we encounter in a day, and Gillibrand being in the kind of profession she is in, knows that to go around pointing fingers and naming names, won’t help one iota with her career. The right wing pundits are just waiting for her to open her mouth to start the slandering comments about hurting some “upstanding citizen’s” life. Or like the Politico employee who “didn’t believe” it will proclaim that she is lying. Look what they do murdered black people.

Once she names names, they will accuse her of asking for the extra attention, or they will get to that even now.

As far as Brzezinski is concerned she is just one of the “guys” when she talks like this, her job is to keep the spotlight on herself and clueless Joe. Hopefully she won’t be offended that I don’t see her as anything more than a pretty face to counter Joe.

THis JUSt SHOWs hoW wEAK fatty faT faT Kirsten GILLIbrand IS. I hOPE she DOEs NAME NAMes SO we CAN caLL her a VINDICtive BITcH!!!1!!!1!1!one!!1!!!1!!!

Oh, Morning Joke. You don’t have to try so hard.

We already think you’re a weaselly little shit.


Well how nice that Joe allowed Mika some time to state her opinion. We certainly know who “wears the pants” on that show.
Mika is a disgrace.

Well, Meak Mika and Morning Schmo would know weakness. They splash it about on a daily basis. Hey Mika, how about standing up to Joe when he bullies you, like everyday.

Well it appears that the co-hosts just love pissing contests. There is no reason to name the creatures who insulted her. They already know who they are.

That’s funny. I think it’s weak that they can’t address the issue unless Gillibrand names names.

“The party must be honored above all else, and we can’t opine on anything until we know which party we’re talking about.”

  • Joe and Mike (paraphrasing)

Mika is just so courageous to name a senator who died several years ago, and already had a tarnished reputation. Also, it appeared the Gillibrand incidents occurred 6-7 years ago in the House, and the suspects also might be dead or retired from politics.

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It’s almost of if she was part of a minority in Congress, and the men how harassed her have the ability to hurt her career and make her irrelevant in her job. Silly concerns I know.

“The hosts said Gillibrand was slated to appear on “Morning Joe” next
week, so we’ll see how see reacts in person to that characterization.”

Senator tell Morning Snore to kiss your @$$$.

Or just Rat out all the stupid stuff his House colleagues did during his time as a FL Congressman.


Way to change the subject, avoid critiquing the problems of male power, and blame the victim! Another step backward! Go Joe!

Why is the thumbnail for this article in Livewire just a zoom in on Mika’s chest?