Joe Scarborough is an asshole?
Who Knew?
Lovers’ quarrel.
Mika, You’re A Democrat!
What a lovely compliment…
Being a Democrat means you never have to say you’re sorry.
You ‘are a Democrat and it means nothing’? Gosh Joe, you’re a Republican that spent the first part of the year defending Trump and the last few months pretending that YOU NEVER DID but somehow YOUR voice means MORE? Dems don’t get to criticize Trump on air? Did you mean DEMOCRAT or WOMAN in your demeaning put down?
…AND…let’s talk about the Peter King ‘interview’ on MJ this morning instead of this little ‘tiff’…that is MUCH more political and worthy of discussion!
This adds an extra layer of queasy to my morning hate watching.
Used to be that a live boy or a dead girl would end a career. Moanin’ Ho is lucky.
If Joe, like his one time hero, sought a 2nd Amendment ‘solution’ would that be workplace or domestic violence?
Okay, I get what he was so Trumpily saying there…he was saying that nothing that Mika says matters to the Vichy Republicans, but you know something, nothing he says matters to those Vichy Republicans either, and Ryan has joined them already. So, quite frankly, Joe should just try not being insulting…but that seems to be difficult for any Republican.
If Hillary had said the same thing, Joe and his cohorts would be up in arms calling for her head (and another investigation). Paul Ryan is a liar and a coward for pretending he was so busy he didn’t hear the comment, which is all of 2 minutes and is all over the news, great leadership there Ryan!
Lets ask Mark Halperin what he thinks… Morning Joe ,where hacks go to die
I know what he said, but this is what I heard – "You’re a woman. Mika, you’re a woman,” Scarborough said. “It means nothing coming from you. You’re a woman.”
To a “rock-ribbed” (more likely Beer-Gut) Republican ALL Democrats are “illegitimate” and contribute nothing to any conversation being had by “the adults in the room”.
Their arrogance knows no bounds.
Shorter Joe: “Mika, you’re just a fucking woman, so shut up!”
Worth a repost:
And as Joe blows…so Mika’s queef goes! ~boom goes the dynamite!~
So funny to see these two turn on Trump. Until just a few weeks ago, Joe & Mika lived up Trump’s ass (Of course, they had to push Halperin’s head aside.). They were two of his most devoted media Trumpanzees.
Now, well just this morning:
Morning Joe Scarborough: [The GOP must dump Trump
A bloody line has been crossed that cannot be ignored. At long last,
Donald Trump has left the Republican Party few options but to act
decisively and get this political train wreck off the tracks before
something terrible happens.]
Oh Joe! Late to the party again, huh? Deadlines for appearing on the ballot have passed in a few states and will pass soon in more, most notably Ohio! Far, far too late. Sorry…He’s all yours. Enjoy your ride on the YOOOGE’ Trumptanic.
“You’re a Democrat” he said as if that is a disqualifier for having an opinion about Ryan’s blind following of Trump and his candidacy. Scarborough is somewhat responsible for Trump’s popularity due to inviting him to call in anytime and giving him (Trump) free air time to spew his nonsense. Only when Trump dissed Joe did it turn ugly.
Somebody’s going to be sleeping on the couch tonight.
LOL! I didn’t read your comment before I posted mine. Great minds. In this case, sad, but that’s exactly what I heard from Joe Scarborough.