Discussion: 'Morning Joe' Co-Hosts Hit Back At Trump In Op-Ed: He's 'Not Well'


Reality show presidency. Sigh.

Fuck you, trump voters.


So far 22 minutes into the 2nd hour of Morning Joe, Joe and Mika serious discussion on 45.


Now that weā€™ve all caught our breath a bit after the shocking discovery that Donald Trump is a crass, hateful buffoon, we can look back wistfully at the happier days when Trump was calling in to Morning Joe on a regular basis and they were happy to take those calls. Nobody then could possibly have suspected anything was wrong with Trump. There were simply no signs of anything like what weā€™re seeing now.


This goes beyond sick. The President of the US sounds like a teenager who lashes out after being rejected by the the cool kid click.


The problem is a ā€˜legitimacyā€™. Donald Trump was a legitimate candidate of a major party. He then became that partyā€™s legitimate nominee. Finally he became the legitimate POTUS (amazing as that still seemsā€¦) by winning the Electoral College. How do the hosts of a politically centered cable show ignore a person who is a legitimate candidate and nominee of 1 of our 2 major political parties?


Doing some armchair analyzing this morning. Probably saw ā€œCarrieā€ forty years ago which only amplified and verified his deep seeded and damaged views on women and blood.

Dark and disturbed is the Donald and anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial.


Iā€™m talking about the period where he was still considered a joke candidate, when his various mental challenges were on full view and long had been, but people like Joe and Mika and many others helped confer legitimacy on him by paying lucrative attention to him. Nobody thought he would win. But the eyeballsā€¦


Yeah ā€¦ you canā€™t ignore his calls, but what was their behavior when discussing the events of the day with that candidate? They seemed to good olā€™ boy him through much of the campaign, until he became a bridge too far - which was long after common sense dictated that he was toxic. Political show + Donald Trump = Ratings. I get it on that level, but it definitely helped legitimize him during the primaries.


I know it is perhaps not particularly mature of me, but I am finding wonderful irony and a certain amount of satisfaction in the pariah status Trump is seeking to impose on both CNN and Morning Joe. They were two of Trumpā€™s biggest enablers in the year long process which ended with our country and the rest of the world subjected to an unstable, spiteful and totally inept President.


We believe it would be better for America and the rest of the world if he would keep his 60-inch-plus flat-screen TV tuned to ā€˜Fox & Friends,ā€™ā€ they wrote.

Well, no, it wouldnĀ“t. Facts can be very useful for a president.


I am unhappy that we have a gop in the White House, but I am appalled that we have a psycho in the White House!
I believe that gop has a Constitutional remedy for dealing with incapacity and they should exercise it soon!!


And maybe itā€™s misplaced empathy on my own part but I can imagine how Trump would feel a kind of dumb-animal puzzlement and enraged betrayal at how these organizations that once fawned on him now criticize him. He reacts like an abusive boyfriend but the feelings, however inappropriate, are still real.


Trump probably needs to start a major war. Thatā€™s always a good way to change the subject. News anchors interviewing grieving parents, lauding their dead childā€™s sacrifice for a greater cause, tugs at our heart. Make sure they toss in a few asides about the courage and strong leadership of Trump for launching the war. McConnell and Ryan can castigate naysayers of Trump for not supporting him in a time of national peril, including and especially those within the halls of Congress.
Yeah, the rocketā€™s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, thatā€™s what Trump needs. And we all know his needs are all that count.


Oh, please! We are dealing with a nutzo in the White House, not a jilted teenager on Pleasant Street!

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Iā€™m sorry my comment displeased you so much you felt the need to mischaracterize it.


Dear Orange Shitgibbon, please donā€™t make me like Morning Joke.


With all due respect Joe and the rest of you MSM enablers
Itā€™s a little late to be starting that conversation.
You LOVED you some crazy when it was ratings gold .
Real world consequences suck donā€™t they?


This is true. And Joe and Mika donā€™t sound a whole lot better.

It is long past time for the people who can actually do something to remove Trump from office face up to the facts. All the Op-Eds and tweets in the world will do nothing concrete to impeach this idiot or have him removed via the 25th Amendment. Letā€™s start putting some real pressure on those who have the actual power to change the situation, the Congress and the Cabinet.