libtards is shaDOWbannING patriots! WE must COME uP with a MEDIA outlet THAT CAN GET our VOICEs heard!!!
Um, Fox News? They’ll publish anything it seems.
It’s only “censorship” when the government does it. But then, those stupid enough to work for Alex Jones don’t really understand that. Good for Facebook.
The poor dear. My thoughts and prayers are with him. They aren’t publishable, but they are certainly with him.
An astute observation I’ve seen made elsewhere: Facebook has always forbidden certain categories of speech, including speech that would be protected in an American legal framework. Sexual content has always been completely forbidden, even back when Facebook was de facto 18+ only. That’s a purely moral judgement and it always has been.
To suggest that they’ve ever attempted to act even remotely as a common carrier is completely disingenuous.
I think going after the Sandy Hook victims might be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Watson called the move “a shocking intensification of Big Tech’s censorship purge.”
Why do Republicans hate free enterprise and the private sector so much?
Commie rat bastards!
He’s been going after the Sandy Hook victims for years. If FB is using that as a platform for removing him, they’re about six years too late.
I know but the lawsuit has been front and center lately. Facebook is trying to improve it’s image.
Its just a 30 day ban, i suspect he will be right back to doing the same thing in 30 days.
This is a false flag! Jones is a “censorship actor” - he self-deported himself from facebook. It’s all part of his plan to drive us off the Internet and right into the arms of Big Fax!
See what happens when you mess with the QAnon.
For normal people, this is common sense. For the “Q” bots, it’s confirmation.
I don’t think any article on Jones can be complete without mentioning his belief in “Lizard People.”
There is no such person as Alex Jones. The fact that he is presented as a living human in the media is a conspiracy. I have not been able to find the root of the conspiracy, but it seems to be some group that wants to make stupid assholes look bad.
- BOT-1172-A (incoming)
- OMGWTFBBQ: stop all inaction
- Wait for the prize
/we are all Q
//(I am not Q)
If lizard people aren’t real, how did they get a vote in the Minnesota senate race in 2008?
'splain that, libtard!!1
More likely, the law suit against Jones by the Sandy Hook people has put the fear of God in Facebook.
Wow, Q is now on the Facebook board as well as Apple’s…
This person is a real playah…