And most Americans think Trump supporters are “losing it”.
And, after our nations shameful past history of bringing Irish, Italian, Spanish, Polish, and other oppressed white majorities over on slave ships to our shores to pick cotton for their evil multi-ethnic masters, they have every logical reason to believe they are “losing out”.
Oh, I’m sorry, but fuck them.
Whites control something like 90-95% of the power/wealth in this nation.
How many minority CEOs are there? Could they even name ONE? How many minority Senators/Congressmen? How many minority Billionaires?
Minorities control a VERY tiny portion of ANYTHING. Mostly because up to a few decades ago, Whites controlled ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.
And the minute minorities seem like they might be doing better, or that Whites will no longer just get everything handed to them because they’re White, we get this bullshit from poor white folk?
Why don’t they blame the folk in charge? That is, why don’t they blame WHITE folk for sucking them dry so they can give themselves another $10,000,000 yearly raise?
F*CK THEM. Seriously. These folk can all go to hell.
Only 54% of Trump supporters?! I would have guessed something in the low-90%'s.
29% of Trump supporters expressed anger at their inability to dunk a basketball.
They’re not wrong. White people are indeed losers.
Individuals must always be judged on an individual basis, but as a voting bloc, white people are the worst. Childish, stupid, easily deceived, bitter, revanchist (thanks, JM), selfish, and entitled, and worst of all, they’re racist as fuck. And in the past 30 years they voted away all the gains of the previous several generations, because they were swindled by rich white people who know how to play that racism to their advantage.
And they still haven’t figured it out.
So Trump voters are a bunch of LOSERS. Color me shocked.
Even worse, they think wall-to-wall carpet and wallpaper are still a thing. Blech! Don’t even accept an invitation to one of their holiday parties. The living room alone will make you want to retch. I mean really, you stenciled “Live, Love, Laugh” on your fricking wall!? OMG.
Yet, they continue to vote against their own best interests by voting GOP election after election and see nothing but dismay in the end…
This is the only article that allows me to comment - for the others, it shows that I need to sign in but won’t allow me to do that. Am I the only one having that problem this morning with the new commenting system?
And that statement isn’t at all racist, no not one bit.
That happened to me as well.
They do, repeatedly. It’s all Obama’s fault.
No. I can’t get the comments pages to load in Safari. Working in Firefox.
Edit: but happy to see that I don’t have to agree to kill a phantom comment every time I post a real one.
These people are the victims of great efforts to make sure they’re kept believing that voting straight-ticket ® is a winning proposition for anybody under the upper-middle class. I’d have a little more sympathy for them if they didn’t call me a “libtard communist” when I dare suggest that maybe it’s actually nobody “winning out” and that we’re all being taken for a ride.
It’s why I don’t feel like such a jerk whenever I post this:
Not defending Trump voters here, and not defending anybody whining about how great their lives would be if minorities weren’t getting all the goodies, but the survey question wording is stupid.
It refers to “preferences”, which could mean a shitload of different things.
Photoshop Trump’s head on this
I must congratulate TPM for at last, after at least 6 months, getting the comments fixed… However, in doing so they have managed to emasculate the forums in that it now takes at least 5 minutes for the page to load… Good Job Josh.
Really what we learn from this poll is that Trump is doing well among people not smart enough to hang up the phone in disgust at this abomination of a poll question.
Reasonable people can have opinions on the underlying issue, but it takes someone unusually comfortable with being manipulated to answer the question when it’s put that way.