Silly medical groups! The bill isn’t about health care or about keeping Americans healthy! GOPosaurs don’t give a shit about that, nor will you letter do anything to change their minds. It’s about financing tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires and transnational corporations!
What would medical groups know about medical stuff anyhow?
Something I haven’t seen much discussed: McConnell is backing this latest push in part because it gives Luther Strange something to use in his runoff with Roy Moore.
I don’t see the American Medical Association on the list, although I think they’ve opposed other recent Republican attempts for repeal and so-call replace. Have they taken a position on this bill? Or are the doctors still consulting with their accountants to decide which is more beneficial…tax cuts or providing health care to more patients and living up to what some may consider that silly oath they took? I hope they, too, get on board with the resistance.
No doubt educated beyond high school and trying to ridicule average Americans.
…and not at a Bible College!
And Republican Senators response?
How so? Does Moore have a position on health care?
He’s against it.
Republicans have a process for screwing their voters?
Cancer? Diabeetis? Heart issues? Poors? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The GOP WANTS these people dead. They’re nothing but a drain on profits and all of this is proving it.
“he organizations called for Congress to complete their work on an Obamacare stabilization bill that aims to bring insurance premiums down by taking away President Donald Trump’s ability to suddenly cut off the subsidies that cover the care of low-income people with serious health care needs.”
And thereby admit that their threats alone are the cause of the premium spikes they want to claim are the ACA failing all by itself? BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
they are never going to stop until they are compactly dominated thats what they understand. get out the vote get out the vote. its are only chance
Moore doesn’t know anything about anything, and has taken up the Gianforte-esque strategy of expelling journalists who ask him questions from his rallies. At least this way Strange can say he’s still fighting to kill Obama’s big accomplishment.
Isn’t this really about tax cuts? Sure, they’re embarrassed they screwed the pooch on repeal with Trump rubbing their nose in it, but that’s not why they keep coming back to it.
They need to gut heath care to lessen the blow of the tax cuts.
My read is that despite their insistence to the contrary, they don’t have the votes they need for the sweeping tax cuts Trump is demanding. So, here we are again.
We’re in real danger now. We don’t have the full word out yet and the GOP is taking advantage of the hurricanes to push while people aren’t looking.
I am seriously worried that this will pass. McCain was waffling by saying he needs his governor’s input. Well, the AZ governor just came out in favor of the bill, giving McCain cover. Rand Paul is the only “no” vote on record and no one seems sure what Collins and Murkowsi might do. I was sure that repealing Obamacare was dead . . but am not so convinced any more.