Can you comment on this?
It seems to me that unless this started a while back it should not go into the 2020 census. I have a difficult time imagining the Obama administration getting the ball rolling on this.
All the yada yada yada
Shorter Version
Nothing more , nothing less
What?! A former owner of a cyprus-based money laundromat bank is … opaque, dishonest, manipulative and conniving? Who could have predicted such a thing?
Why is Ross so interested in this ?
Because it’s part of his loyalty oath to Trump.
We all need to #BoycottTheCitizenshipQuestion on the #2020Census
You know, people who lied about important parts of their jobs used to create scandals by doing so.
This fucking relic should "phone home "…cant wait for the investegation into Cyprus banks…
This is a really good question. Dude is all about self-enrichment via shadiness. Where is the massive profit motive?
Skeeziest Cabinet. Ever.
Ross is one of Charles Koch’s (many) people in this administration: Koch is interested in slashing government spending, and also in limiting the franchise—he’d limit it right down to the original base of white, property-owning males, if he could (one of his wet dreams is to return the election of senators to the state legislatures, instead of choosing them through the popular vote, which is harder to rig in favor of reactionaries).
This manipulation of the census has the potential to slash billions from the budget (or rather, to make it possible to liberate those billions from the care and feeding of humans, to fund important things like tax incentives for corporations and tax cuts on wealth) and to continue the process of shrinking the franchise through impacting districting—throwing representation sharply to the right, and limiting representation of those deemed likeliest to vote for Democrats, for the safety net, for progressive taxation.
As a racist that is all that he is about. The Browns are taking over, can’t have that.