Discussion: Moore Shrugs At Misleading Reporters On His Withdrawal: ‘It Is What It Is’

Moore’s peddling of his “I am the victim” shtick is as unseemly as his original appointment.


They probably had Lou Dobbs on speaker phone, too.


Thanks a lot.


“…assault on my character.”

Can’t assault that which does not exist.

They never specified exactly what he contributed. Like a cat “contributes” to the litter box.

“Maybe we do. Maybe we don’t. Maybe we will. Maybe we won’t.
But if it’s meant to be, it’ll be, it’ll be. Baby just let it be.”

That dipshit listens to country music (Florida Georgia Line) and takes the lyrics seriously.

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And if the murder happened right on 5th Avenue …

Also, don’t forget our assault on your intelligence. Or qualifications. Or honesty. Decency. Etc.

And yes, I forgot to add “lack of”.


Big Money. Only Old Money cares about Old Money. They have no special powers that newly minted tech billions don’t have.

BTW - do you know what city in the world has the highest proportion of billionaires to the population? San Franciso - it is a smallish big city (880,000) but has the second highest number of billionaires of any city in the world (74). Per capita ii has one billionaire for every 12,000 people. All of it is tech money.

Krugman thinks Moore was rejected for the wrong reasons. He was rejected because he’s a shit, when he should of been rejected because his financial views are also shit. But then again so are republican party financial views.

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What all this tells us is that Republican positioning on economic policy has been in bad faith all these years. They didn’t really believe that a debt crisis and hyperinflation were looming. They were just against anything that might help the economy while a Democrat was president.