Not sure if the rule holds when he’s on air to verbally fellate hair furor.
Three wildly funny SNL skits with a woman acting his character---- and he’s toast.
In this case if Scaramucci is the story, Russia, O-care fail and Mueller aren’t…
SHS rationalized Scaramucci’s behavior by saying his “passions got the best of him.” Sounds eerily similar to Donnie. These are the people who make the important crisis decisions? Unreal!
They should have only women play the male WH staff. And have a dude play KAC and Ivanka.
“At least they’re real! At least they care about something! Not like crooked Hillarybot!!”
Similar attitude to voting based on who you’d want to have a beer with.
Mooch reminds me of someone. A brash self centered real estate developer. Let’s see, arrogant, profoundly ignorant. Who could that be?
Survey says?
So how long before Trump tweet-fires the Mooch?
And who does Trump have warming up in the bullpen to replace the Mooch-Mouth? Katrina Pierson or Scottie Nell Hughes?
Yes they are
I think this is the plan, insofar as there’s a plan. Scaramucci, like Trump, has an inordinate ability to focus attention on himself and suck all the oxygen out of a room.
But I’m not sure that this will work the way the white house might imagine. Because all the other stories – as long as there are reporters assigned to them – benefit from the existence of a shiny annoying object that maintains the meme of an administration in clusterfsck-level disarray. The serious stories don’t generate headlines every day, and trying to make them generate those headlines makes substantive reporting and stories that much more difficult.
So Scaramucci serves to perpetuate the obvious loserdom of trump, and the big stories get to interrupt him and generate headlines whenever something substantive happens.
PIGS wallow. MOOCH no diff.
Captain Cokedick can’t help himself…his gums is numb so the lips keep a-flappin…
At this point, I am expecting Andrew Dice Clay to be called up for duty.
Mooch is a lot like Trump in many ways. Tough talk. Rich by never working at a real job that required him to be answerable to someone else. Thinks and acts like a thug. Embraces violence. Narcissistic egomaniac.
“It tells me that he’s not doing the planning and the plotting out of how are they going to support the President’s agenda, how are they going to define the agenda and communicate it to the public,” Ellen Moran, a former communications director for President Barack Obama, told TPM of Scaramucci’s frequent appearances as a media “combatant.”
Well, sure, makes perfect sense when you’re talking about a normal President.
But we’re dealing with a guy with no structure and no foundation. It’s impossible to do strategy with a guy who’ll tweet the exact opposite thought on a whim, forcing his team to backtrack and clean up his messes and unforced errors.
They should get one of the knuckleheads from Jersey Shore to play his character.
Free advice @Scaramucci : stop tweeting. Stop blaming. No one made you say you don’t suck your … Get yourself together
Pretty sad when the last Republican Comm Dir has to say this.
In public.