Discussion: Montenegro Baffled By Trump Suggesting It Would Start World War III

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I call bullshit. The country knows how Trump acquired his Montenegro talking points. It’s just choosing to be non-aggressive in its public response.


It isn’t baffling. Putin has designs on Montenegro and if the US lives up to its NATO obligations when he invades it will kick off WWIII.


“I just want to remind all the American public opinion and President Trump that Montenegro was an ally with American soldiers in two wars, in the first world war and the second world war,” former parliament speaker Ranko Krivokapic told The Associated Press.

Trump tramples on all that is precious.


To the people of Montenegro: Please do not let yourselves be troubled by the irresponsible blathering on Faux News by a white nationalist pea-brain and an incompetent, self-aggrandizing idiot. Of Carlson and Trump, I’ll let you decide which is which.


Trump is a fucking moron. More evidence:


Absolutely. To the extent that Trump’s ramblings “have some basis in history,” it’s because he’s repeating what was said to him by Putin (who likely has a coherent* position on the topic, organized around his agenda of aggressive expansion).

Doubtless, Putin made some disparaging remarks to Trump about Montenegro. Trump immediately adopted as much of that as he was able to retain, and is now running his mouth in his best impression of someone who has knowledge and opinions.

If, in Helsinki, Putin had made a few offhand comments about how much he enjoyed fruitcake, Trump would be tweeting about it as a superfood day and night and appointing a new Secretary of Fruitcake to his cabinet.

He’s like an 8-year-old boy (at least, from my generation). Desperate to be regarded the way he himself views his idols. Half sincere aspirant, half unrestrained gossip, all poser.

* Note that “coherent” does not entail correctness. Confirmation bias, incuriosity, and shoddy reasoning are all it takes to assemble a worldview that appears internally consistent despite being completely at odds with objective reality. Cf. right-wing talk radio and Fox.


I think the answer is quite simple.

The orange spunk-faced shit-gibbon - whose “I.Q. is one of the highest” (Sorry you losers and haters if you don’t know that!) - has confused the country of Montenegro with the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose national capital is Sarajevo where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in 1914 kicking off World War One.

Remember, this is an ambulatory butt-plug who doesn’t know how the US civil war started, the words to the national anthem, what the UK is, what health insurance is, and has trouble spelling “Melania”!


He knows nothing about History. Not sure if he knows the alphabet or the times tables. How I hate that jerk.


If Montenegro, for example, were provoked, having NATO behind it could embolden “a tiny country with very strong people” to engage, the president said.

“They are very strong people. They are very aggressive people, they may get aggressive, and congratulations, you are in World War III,” he added.

Translation: ”Invade at your leisure, Vlad; it’s all yours!”


This story sounds like Putin and his intel agencies prodding two Useful Idiots to see just how gullible and willing to fall for Russian influence they are. And as they likely theorized, Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump are two of the most useful of idiots, to Russia. I suspect Putin and gang can’t stop laughing any time someone says “Montenegro” out loud at how easily those two fell for it.


Well, we now know for certain at least one thing Trump and Putin talked about in private.

A country Trump can’t even locate on a map.

My guess is that Putin has some sort of false-flag exercise planned for FSB inside Montenegro. Then he’s somehow going to get Trump to fight on Russia’s side, when the shit breaks loose.

Now he’s gotten the Prez of the U.S. to speak out against them as a nation, to set that whole thing up.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory, right? Tel me where I’m wrong.


“He is the president of America, but he has not done too well with his statements lately,” Kovacevic shrugged.

More honest than any statement by any GOP Senator or Representative or DNI Coats, or DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

And this was uttered before the news that Putin and Trump are having another Summit here in September


This is all we need to know about him although I hate looking at. It represents him and his philosophies perfectly. Get outta out my way, sucker.


Montenegran Headline:
Amerikanci Otkrivaju da je Crna Gora Zemlja

The military of Montenegro is backing us up in Afghanistan (20 soldiers worth).
That trump is rude, uncouth, a boor, and so much more is a given.


The entire Montenegran army would fit in the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall.

Which they could then use as a staging area to attack Russia, I’m pretty sure.

Makes sense to me.


Aanyone vacation in Montenegro? Sounds like an economy I might like to support.

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I honestly don’t understand why anyone’s baffled.
The illegitimate treasonous criminal President is mental in a bigly way.
He says shit that would get anyone else committed for observation.

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If the Montenegro people were as aggressive as Trump claims Prime Minister Dusko Markovic would have knocked him on his ass after trump pushed him out of the way. I was disappointed he didn’t.