Discussion: Montana's Americans For Prosperity Goofed Criticizing Medicaid Expansion Bill

Discussion for article #235224

ā€œThe latter mistake will have a devastating impact on state budgetā€¦ā€ They always say that but it never seems to materialize. When will Americans for Culling Humans ever get something right?


The Koch Brothers just think thereā€™s ā€œmillionsā€ of everything.


ā€œā€¦This decision stands directly against the voices of millions of Montanans who have made it clear that they do not want more Obamacare.ā€

Millions, I tells ya, millions! If Americans for Prosperity is to be believed, soon the population density of Montana will rival Singapore and Bangladesh; but without the high tech and the downtrodden garment workers respectively.


ā€œAmericans for Prosperityā€ is triplespeak. ā€¦


So, that much fervent opposition to Medicaid expansion? letā€™s see just how ferventā€¦ the Kock Bros and Americans for Me should finance a simple petition and present the findings to those millions of Montana voters. I am sure the results would be enlightening


Hey AFP-- astroturf much?


14,000 activists. Does that include Lahn? I am sure this group of RWNJs, who are less than 1.4% of the population, have the state legislature quaking in their cowboy boots. No wonder this idiot exaggerated a ā€œlittle.ā€


Quick little back of the saddle math here:

14,000 AFP ā€œactivistsā€ out of a population of 1,023,579.

That comes out to a gigantic 1.3% of the stateā€™s population.
Sounds like a filibuster-proof majority to me!!!


14 MILLION Montana voters say NO!! And the rest probably just want free grazing on Federal land.


The Koch brothers and AFP donā€™t let mere facts stand in their way.


ā€œā€¦our 14,000 Montana activists will be holding lawmakers accountable for that mistake in years to comeā€

While a million citizens enjoy healthier lives.

Montana activists: Committed to minority rule


Iā€™m curious about this fellow from AFPmin Montana. When we here in AZ expanded Medicaid we got $3 billion from the feds that helped greatly in balancing our budget (Weā€™re stocked with idiots in our Legislature).

  1. Why would the AFP be against free money?
  2. Why would the AFP be against affordable health care insurance?
    If someone has an explanation, other than we have a ā€œblahā€ person in the White House, Iā€™d sure like to hear it.
    The ACA in its origin was clearly a republican idea. It came from ideas put forward by the Heritage Foundation and then turned into law by Mittens Romney (R-money) in Massachusetts. Why be against something than brings in money and makes health insurance affordable.

I bet those 14,000 Montana activists will be happy to have affordable health insurance in years to come.


Right up there with the Million Moms March or whatever they are ā€¦ that respresent hundreds, or on occasion, a thousand or two Faux viewers.


And you can pretty much guarantee that not all of those ā€˜activistsā€™ are truly living and voting in Montana.

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I love it ā€¦ the cattle donā€™t count ā€¦ darn near a campaign slogan!


A Koch brothers-fuded group isnā€™t really representative of a state where it purports to speak for its citizens? This is shocking. Why, what red state hillbilly doesnā€™t want lower taxes on huge fortunes, weakened environmental laws, and to kick the poor just for the hell of it. (Actually, they probably do want to kick the poor).

Curiously the Medicaid expansion came about through a compromise between moderate (reasonably sane) republicans and the democrats (both houses are controlled by republicans). The tea party types went to some fairly extreme measures (including attempting to adjourn the house, ending the legislative session) to try and block the measure. And I was one of the millions of Montana citizens supporting the measure


Oh, yeah. They just wonā€™t say it.