Discussion: Montana GOP Senate Nominee Once Spoke At Oath Keepers Militia Rally

Baldwin has called homosexuality a “moral perversion,” said the “South was right in the War between the states,” claimed that Islam is a “bloody, murderous religion,” and said there “is no liberty without the semi-automatic rifle,” according to the SPLC.

Another irony deficient heard from.


Won’t matter to the people who are inclined to vote for him in the first place.

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That’s mainstream GOP politics in Montana and Idaho. Failing to bow to the Militias will get you primaried.


Flat tops, make me feel VERY uncomfortable.


Something to hide back then. In Trump world it’s a feather in your cap…

But now that the cops have tanks, there is no liberty without bazookas and RPGs.


That’s in the 2.020 Amendment

Will he be appearing at “The Citadel” any time soon?


Oh noes! Not another arms race!

I am feeling nostalgic over the time when people used to worry about who carried a bigger stick. Or a stick with a nail through it.

Maybes in the GOP. But it woukd appear that failing to do so got Tester elected.

What kind of a buttwad are you?