Discussion: Monmouth Poll: Clinton Leads Among Ohio Voters By Two Points

Very cool


I’m thinking that a big factor here is formerly Johnson-leaning “protest” voters realizing the magnitude of the disaster they’d be enabling with their votes.


Hopefully, though I wouldn’t bet on any self awareness at this point in Johnson voters.

Just noting that Johnson’s support went from 10 to 6 points, while Clinton’s went up. It’s all stuff around the margins at this point, but that’s what it takes.


Breaking away and leaving the orange one as dust in the cheeto bag!

Well done Madam President!

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and that johnson is a train wreck.

This is the part where my prior comforting admonition that, once you account for variance from the mean, almost all the difference between contemporaneous likely voter polls is the pollsters’ guesses about the demographic composition of the electorate.

Which is why Selzer is giving me effing ulcers this year. Either the best pollster in the business has gone completely off the rails, or she knows something we don’t.