“Nothing to fear except queer itself”
Indeed. Plagiarism is such an elitist transgression. Most of the people backing Trump not only don’t care about plagiarism, but don’t even know what it is.
I meant a real ghostwriter, the kind who get no author credit. The kind Hannity used to write his idiot books published under his name with no “with Spectral Arthur” beneath the “by Sean Hannity” on the cover.
And that kind of ghostwriting is not plagiarism only in the contractual and copyright sense. In the academic world, yeah, it’s the worst kind of plagiarism. A career death sentence if you were caught doing it as an academic and a major disciplinary infraction–an expulsion event at many schools–if you get caught doing it as a student.
Trump thought “vetted” meant the pigs he nominated need only be medically cleared by a vet.
Whew …
Another little jab of sunshine through the gloom … needed that ! —
That’s because one of the requirements for plagiarism is the ability to read.
“I love the poorly educated.” - Donald Trump, 2016
If not immune, at least incapable of shame. I’m surprised, as well.
She got a higher paying gig somewhere with no annoying ethics scrutiny. She’ll do just fine.
Nice job of vetting by CNN and Politico! Journalism works when they use it.
was thinking along those lines myself.
With DeVos as Sec of Ed, might as well eliminate the entire department of Ed like the Rs want, then blue states can keep their education tax money in their own states, Alabama can proceed to become the third world backwater that it has always been destined to be, folks can sit around in their underwear waiting for the apocalypse
Same with the EPA, Interior, Commerce, or every other cabinet office/federal department that the Rs want to eliminate. Might as well choke out the fed govt on the Rs watch, and allow states to implement laws they want. Embrace the federalism the Rs promote so that at least blue states can run themselves the way the want to and can retain as much of the federal tax money as possible, and federal taxes can be “drowned in a bath tub”, let the taker states figure out how to fund themselves, as it has been what voters in those states have voted for repeatedly.
They don’t like my blue state, but they sure do love the taxes I pay to fund their state. They don’t want my vote to count, but they want me to pay for their kid’s christian education. Fuck you is my response. You want a dumb fucking kid, pay for it yourself.
She should have dropped out long ago, after she tweeted a pic of herself in front of the Berlin Wall with added commentary: “Walls work.”
Lobbyist position with the pro-cancer industry.
What The (Bleep) Just Happened?
If Malaria or Melanoma or whatever the fuck her name is, can plagiarize why can’t Monica?
Well. After all, she comes with a vagina, albeit a white, blonde one.
Walking backwards…the province of Michael Jackson, the demon possessed and Trump resignees…
A fake news personality gets smacked by reality and the results are sweet. She’s been pre-fired! She and Flynn had to resort to standard human resources boilerplate cliches- “pursuing other opportunities” “We wish her all the best in her future.” I’m just surprised there seems to be some hint of shame in this, as it certainly doesn’t come from the top. I guess the prospect of having to face from others the standard Fox mode of smug snarkiness was too much to contemplate. Of course, perhaps once Trump found out she was 48 she was doomed anyways…“IHey, is that feisty little Andrea Tarantaros still around? Ah, screw Ailes, he just didn’t know how to handle a little hottie like her! Right, Mike?”
Wait until Chump’s acceptance speech gets groomed for plagiarized paragraphs! Who takes the fall for that?
[quote=“charliee, post:8, topic:49693”]
I’m kind of surprised; I just assumed that anyone associated, however loosely, with the incoming administration was immune to everything.
[/quote]It was probably decided that she could be a better, more effective cheerleader from outside the administration. In the NSC strategic communications job she might be constrained by things like, I don’t know, other job responsibilities. Whereas back at Fox, she can advocate 24/7 and maybe even have time to write a book or 2 about the greatness of all things Trump.
The Trump team spokespersons are just plain stupid. Public relations 101 dictates that when the evidence of plagiarism is undeniable-as was the case here–the correct response is to say nothing or say they are looking into it. Now that she has been pushed out, they just look foolish having defended her initially. And claiming the attack on Crowley was “politically motivated” is something of a non-denial denial. It doesn’t really matter what the motivations of the reporters were since the facts were what they were.