Lots of wingnut welfare jobs out there where this isn’t a big deal.
dumbya did something similar. He appointed donor and cronies to big jobs, and we saw what happened with the Michael (“heck of a job Brownie”) Brown appointment to FEMA.
@inlabsitrust The lady will go home and don her good republican cloth coat but not give the cocker spaniel to whoever gave it to her.
@mike_in_houston Cowgirl Ann will look swell in chaps and a holster.
Were her final words, “You don’t have Crowley to kick around any more”?
Don’t worry…she’ll fail upwards somewhere else in the rightwing bubble universe, I’m sure.
Apparently, she’s too embarrassed to be in the Trump administration, having potshots taken at her everyday from all directions for being a fraud. I think however, among the Trumpinistas, plagiarism is a plus as far as they’re concerned. Just ask Melania. They love that kind of stuff.
I thought they were “One small step for a woman; One giant leap for womankind.”
So you’re saying she’s no Kellyanne Conway?
Oh oh. A plagiarism scandal.
Watch your back, Melania. Don’t get too comfortable in that glamour room of yours.
Translated from the original Russian.
Ghostwriting isn’t plagiarism, unless the writer copies from other sources without attribution. The presumption with a ghostwriter is that they do a lot of interviewing and the “author” reads through the book and approves it as reflecting their words, as if they would have written it if they had the time. Plagiarism is very specific, you have to steal someone else’s work and credit it as your own, without the other person’s knowledge or approval.
Now, we wait and see if Columbia reviews her PhD…I hope they do, because plagiarism should not be allowed in any PhD. I’m sure they will be risking blowback if they punish Crowley, so they have to follow their policies to the letter.
“The NSC will miss the opportunity to have Monica Crowley as part of our team."
I’m sure they’ll get over it.
“Any attempt to discredit Monica is nothing more than a politically motivated attack that seeks to distract from the real issues facing this country,” …and on and on we go. It’s ‘politically motivated’ these days when you point out someone LIED…it’s gonna be a long 4 years.
Or Melania’s speech writer.
Weird, isn’t it, that there is no requirement for a major party candidate or President-elect to be vetted?
Where did you plagiarize that brillantly formed statement “theghostofeustacetilley”?
Frauds just gotta be fraudulent!!!
The only admissible things in a Trump logic system.
She was Nixon’s political whore.
In fairness, going over every word printed by a potential nominee for plagiarism isn’t really part of vetting. Maybe it should be. She just got exposed elsewhere.
“Any attempt to discredit Monica is nothing more than a politically motivated attack that seeks to distract from the real issues facing this country,” a transition spokesperson told the network at the time.
Appointing people like this to important positions in the government is one of the real issues facing this country.
Fairly surprised myself by this—after the parade of psychos and robber barons so far this rejection seemingly over plagiarism seems positively dainty. She must have made some other misstep and someone higher up is using this as an excuse.