Discussion: MO Rep. Apologizes For Misspeaking About 'Consensual Rapes'

I get all that. I was just (too subtly?) trying to inject a new term into the dialogue.

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You are 100% correct. Missouri’s General Assembly is filled with people who couldn’t get a real job due to their lack of general knowledge or any interpersonal communication skills.

A former GOP state director retired a few years ago after telling a mutual friend that his own party’s House and Senate members think they are divinely chosen for those positions. They lack the basic skills of governing, he said, and like teenagers, you can’t tell them a damn thing.


I think once a thread gets to 100 comments it’s nothing but outrage that’s the leading emotion. Subtly is pushed to the background.

It really is an old boys club, isn’t it? And since they’re all term limited they have to make some $$$ and name for themselves to move on to lobbyist.

I think it more an “odd boy’s” club over “old boy’s” club.

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I covered that story as an AP stringer. IIRC, it was kinda like Murder On The Orient Express in that those who didn’t pull the triggers (there were several small caliber rifles used) wished they had.


Well, it is a well-known scientific fact that women’s bodies have a way of shutting things down if it is non consensual.


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Truly it is stunning how oblivious they are – and I don’t mean about rape.

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Hmmm … so you’re not sure how much these women are to blame?

There’s a certain … symmetry here that you may want to disavow!

Good for you!

Sorry you had to go through it in the first place.

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And Thomas Hobbes is spinning in his grave.


I’ll bet that the latest white male doofus has no clue as to what an oxymoron is.


Wonder if rape and incest don’t put the mothers mental HEALTH at risk…the psychological anguish of living in the aftermath of such a trauma and new reality of having a rapist as your child’s daddy can’t be easy whether he remains in your life or not…the mind reels.


Week 1: your period happens, last approx. 5 days
Week 2; the week after that
Week 3: ovulation and potential fertilization
Week 4: fertilized egg implants in uterus 6-10 days after fertilization (~1/2 don’t implant)
Week 5: fertilized cells form embryo, <1/5"
Week 6: basic heart and circulatory system develop
Week 7: embryo now 1/4 - 1/2" long, sex still undifferentiated, not yet male or female
Week 8: sex may be set, eyes and ears begin to form as well as arm and leg buds

The “average” woman expects her next period 28 days from the first day of her last period. Any number of things can cause a woman to be “late,” and many woman aren’t “regular.” So the “average” woman is wondering what’s up, if anything, at 5 weeks. Irregular woman may not suspect anything even at 6-8 weeks. This is the magic moment that (the men) in MO define as the last moment termination of pregnancy can happen. That gives a woman 0-3 weeks in which to 1) suspect they may be pregnant and 2) make a decision on whether to continue it or abort, and 3) make an appointment to confirm a pregnancy and schedule a procedure. If the care center is far from home and the woman has other obligations in life - work, school, exams, kids - this timeline can be near impossible, which I guess was the point.

That microscopic heart was beating at 5-6 weeks. Why not set that as the deadline? Because no woman knows for sure she’s pregnant then? “Heh, heh, let’s make the deadline 5 weeks! Adequate pre-natal care? That’s the slut’s problem. Support after the baby is born? Again this is the responsibility of the mother, if she can’t afford it, well she should have thought about it sooner.” MO must be an ugly place to live if you’re female.


He sounds like a rapist trying to justify his rapiness.

Change the title please, he lied. You don’t casually make comments like this. It’s not an Oops moment.


You need a prescription to get it; I know that much.


“If it’s another GOP idiot facing re-election, the body politic has ways to shut that whole thing down.”

thank God. i thought i was going to have to vote.

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I am wondering what christian conservative boofer and serial rapist Brett Kavanaugh is thinking about these miscarriages of justice and the rape of our democracy by the skanky Putin whores and sleazy GOP. The Brett Kavanaugh who was completely exonerated of rape and boofing, based on a marvelous report by a most excellent team of really competent FBI investigators that did not leave any stone unturned.

Why have an exception for the life of the mother? Who cares? [yes, snark]

Tiger’s paying for that right now. He didn’t qualify to continue playing the PGA tournament cause he was playing so badly.


Tiger is an idiot.

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