Discussion: Mo Brooks Explains That Only White People Can Be Discriminated Against

In his case yes.

Prima facie evidence this jagoff has never read what Federal laws actually say or do.

LikE I SAID bEfore, WHites, EspeCIALLY whITE males, aRE gEtting A sMALLer PIECE of the PIE. FAct: 42 HOuse MEmbers Are Black, 28 ARE HISPANIOLO, 81 ARE woMEN, 7 Are HOMOgay, AND 28 arE AsIAns. THat MAKEs 169 OUt of 300 WhO are NOT real AMericaNS. SAVE America FROM the ILLEgal DEViants that MAKE up OVEr1/2 OF Congress!!!11!11!1one!!1!!111!!!


ā€œā€¦there is only one skin color that you can lawfully discriminate againstā€¦ā€

Thanks for keepinā€™ the cat in the bag. Government really needs more guys like these old conservatives with sharp judgements.


Poor Mo - he forget the code words and said it out loud. His party is going to have to disown him or shut him up. Keep digging, Mo - that hole isnā€™t nearly deep enough.

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Eustace, whereā€™s you been?

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The ā€œDemocratic Partyā€? Heā€™s gonna lose his rwnj card. Rush told him itā€™s Democrat Party (Demorat Party is also acceptable) or nothing.

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I love the smell of Republican whitesplaining in the evening.


76 or 77 trombones?

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Not to defend anything this guy said, but what you wrote is ridiculous, if for no other reason that we ALL have power over one another. If I refuse to eat at your restaurant because of your skin color, I have power over you and Iā€™m discriminating against you. If I charge you more to fix your sink because of your skin color, I have power over you. It doesnā€™t matter which group Iā€™m in. All that matters is that I have power as an individual and Iā€™m using your race to discriminate against you.

Beyond that, weā€™re not solely judged based upon our race category, which is why there are some minorities who are more powerful than most white people. President Obama, for example, is more powerful than just about any white person in the world; yet is part of a minority group.

So even by your definition of needing power to discriminate, it still leaves open the idea that minorities can discriminate just as well as white people can.


ā€œThis is a part of the war on whites thatā€™s being launched by the Democratic Party.ā€

Itā€™s trueā€”just look at the NFL and the NBA. Itā€™s obvious oppression of white people. Didnā€™t know that Donald Sterling was a Democrat, though.


To match his tiny brain and other white male part.

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Props for knowing the origin of ā€˜beyond the Pale.ā€™

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the surface

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ā€œBrooks initially made the remarks on Laura Ingrahamā€™s radio show.ā€

ā€¦pretty good proof the right wing radio and TV spewing faces have created a milieu where no conservative can be interviewed without saying something so outrageous.

Ingrahamā€™s unhinged white rage is hard to ignore. She looks and sounds sometimes as if she should be standing between Hitler and Goebels in some old 8mm home movieā€¦

ā€œItā€™s repugnant to ever make an appeal based on race,ā€ he said.
Republican projection at its finest. Surely this fellow isnā€™t reaching out to ethnic voters is he? Or is he just trying to make his bigoted white constituents even more despicable than they already are?

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And everyone has to be homosexual on weekends and holidays.

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He obviously doesnā€™t understand what he reads. Yet he got elected to Congress.

Iā€™m in the wrong line of work.


NFL and NBA war on whites? LOL

I remember when only white men played in the NBA and the NFL/AFL. They had to discriminate to accomplish it.

So, why, as soon as they opened it up for all races, did blacks dominate at so many positions?

So much for racial superiority.

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so white people are not covered by the law that makes it illegal to discriminate based on race, color, sex, religion or national origin?

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White women benefitted more from the anti-discrimination laws than all of the minorities put together. How this kind of talk or the immigration sharkanado is supposed to expand the GOP base is beyond comprehension.