HOO BOY! The dumb is extra-strength with this one. Folks… he’s veep worthy!
The bottom. The hair on his head is turning white.
What are the federal statutes that talk about the white race?
That would be all of them, said the Male Sarah Palin.
The gift that keeps on giving.
What is it about Republicans and their holes never being deep enough.
Mel Brooks is now a congressman ? Oh Mo Brooks my bad I got him confused with Mel the great comedian,this was so hilarious.
But an irate woman on the wrong plane accused the black flight attendants of being racists because they were trying to help her get on the right flight. It’s the new “white is the new black” meme of the GOPTP, mostly Southerners, of course. They are driven psychotic by our great but only half-white president.
… or maybe a tiny violin.
So: “white is the new black” – does that make “men the new women”?
Discriminate? What are they going to do, call him names?
I am a bit disappointed that he couldn’t work in something about legitimate rape…
“Repugant to ever make an appeal on race”?!?
Holy crap. By all means idiot, keep digging.
Someone needs to explain to him that in order to discriminate, you have to have power. Otherwise, big deal.
The dominant or majority group discriminates against minority groups. You think he’s getting worried?
more republican out-reach. Poor downtrodden white folks have come a long way despite centuries of abject discrimination.
To steal a line from one of my favorite movies of all time, Goodfellas, “only the good half.”
Why not skip the formalities and go straight to the point.
The non-whites are discriminating against all 3 branches of the republican party. Must be saving that for Nov 8th, 2014 before all the appeals start. You know, voting irregularities, illegal votes and all the other crap they can dream up.
It looks like he thinks civil rights laws are beyond the pale (originally an insult to the wild Irish beyond the area of English occupation).
that would explain why all the power centers (wall street, washington dc, congress, etc) in the US are run by minorities. when oh when will my people breath free?
Please, someone, inform Brooks he’s an Idiot.