Discussion: Mo Brooks Compared Dems To Nazis In Floor Speech, Quoted ‘Mein Kampf’

I love how right wing idiots think that the “Socialist” in “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” means what they think it means. The Nazis were not socialists in any form. Hitler despised socialists and communists, and the apparatus that he led persecuted them relentlessly. The Nazis added this word to their party name simply to deceive the German population into thinking that the party was pro-worker’s rights.

Mo Brooks, et al., are rightfully uncomfortable with how closely their ideology matches that of the Nazis, and so they spit out this completely false conflation of Nazis with Socialists, in an attempt to rewrite history and thereby smear the left.


And the projection continues.

Dems should hit back, and hit back hard – saying that Mo Brooks is lying, and aiding and abetting Russia, and is not loyal to American democracy.

Dems should also get agressive with Mitch McConnell, saying over and over that McConnell aided and abetted the Russians when he refused to allow Obama to take strong measures against the Russians in the middle of the election cycle.

Make the Republicans the issue, and stop playing defense.


Well, it wouldn’t constitute “cooperation” between Trump and the “Russian government,” at least. The Justice Department isn’t interested in judging what two powerful, rich white men do in the privacy of their own Kremlin.


It might behoove the congressman but the Nazis were big fans of the southern lost cause to the point where it influenced their ideology. Even reflected in their movie choices they would even have screenings of Gone with the wind.

Back in the 80’s and 90’s I would tune into CSPAN late night and see congressional backbenchers like Newt Gingrich giving special orders speeches that referred to Democrats as disloyal and the other disparaging terms from the Frank Luntz word guide. Other backbenchers like B-1 Bob Dornan engaged in demagoguery referring to Democrats as Bolsheviks and the even crazier William Dannemeyer calling for the quarantine of AIDS patients. Yet none of them would go full bore Nazi.


Imagine the Fascist temerity of those of us who would like to know that our President is not a foreign agent, or why he really fired the head of the FBI so soon after blowing him a very public kiss at a January, 2017 White House reception for Law Enforcement.


Beer is the only place Kavanaugh and I agree.

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Yup, both of them…


The real question is was he born this stupid or did he suffer brain damage somewhere along the way?

From the above, ". . . there is always a certain force of credibility because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily.’”

Isn’t this the gaslighting the Trump officials constantly employ for the base to latch onto? Is it not this fear that drives much of the GOP today.

Just as an aside, I remember when Mueller was appointed that the GOP and its spokespeople were carpet-bombing the media with the word “collusion” even though the Mueller was appointed because of Russian interference, lying by Trump officials both in the WH and Campaign, and obstruction of these events.

So last time I checked Stone is currently being prosecuted, Gates still has his time infront of a judge, Manafort has been convicted in two courts and Papodopolus and Flynn both admitted to lying to the FBI about their contacts with Russians.

Total exoneration indeed.

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tosses u 1

Hitler used the word “socialist” to compete with the socialist parties around Europe at the time.
His people were no more socialist than I’m a Buddhist.

But… but it’s in the NAME OF THE PARTY! Next you’re gonna try to tell me the People’s Democratic Republic of North Korea isn’t democratic! And for the people!


Or a Republic!

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I know, silly me, it would be way too divisive.

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Who else was at first astonished that Mel Brooks was giving a floor speech? I envisioned a mid-chamber “Springtime for Hitler” show of some kind for a second there.

Sounds like Roy Moore’s gonna have some serious competition in the GOP Senate primary next year.

C’mon. Not even a little bit of a republic?!?

Poor Shmoo Brooks. Dumber than a box of rocks. Does he not realize that redneck, right wing Southerners are a lot more like Nazi’s than anything else? His momma never taught him to keep his thoughts to himself. Sad people like this even get elected to office.

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