Poor goofy boy.
Interesting that he’s familiar enough with the book to remember quotes to pull out in different situations…
Courting the Jewish vote in Alabama is he?
Yup, Trump’s best week since the election and it’s gonna be f—d up by way too many clowns.
Who wants a beer?
It’s kind of morally exhausting to share a country with people like this. I suppose the feeling is mutual.
Definitely a perennial contender for the Most Consistently Nonsensical Critter award.
The Mo is short for Moron
Give him a good week… The higher up he climbs, the farther the fall once the Report and other materials start leaking…
There they go with the projection again.
I am curious to see exactly what Nazis policies they are trying to implement that causes their guilty minds to spew this venom.
“A ‘big lie’ is a political propaganda technique made famous by Germany’s national socialist German workers’ party, but more on that later,” he said, clearly misunderstanding that the Nazis used “big lie” to refer to Jews, not to themselves.
Yes, Hitler originally used the phrase to criticize German Jews for blaming the German Army for losing WWI; but later Goebbels used the phrase to criticize Churchill and other British war-time leaders for their propaganda.
As for Mo Brooks, he’s an idiot who deserves watching. I’m glad TPM’s Ms. Riga is on his case.
Q: What’s the difference between a Republican and a Nazi?
A: The Nazis knew how to build nice cars.
Gee, I cannot wait for Trump, the entire GOP leadership, Netanyahu, and FoxNews to start screaming about Brooks’s rampant and inexcusable anti-Semitism and how he should be drawn and quartered and then guillotined and then burned at the stake. And then, of course, resign his seat in Congress.
I’m sure that will happen quite soon. In a matter of minutes. Any. Second. Now.
Again I say: It’s only three weeks to Passover (and I still haven’t seen Sanders’ tax returns).
And physically exhausting.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) compared Democrats simultaneously to Nazis
Wow, he’s from Alabama. I did Nazi that coming.
It’s as if conservatives think the only bad thing Hitler really did was to invent the concept of lying. So if they can accuse anyone of lying, it means they’re the REAL Hitler because Hitler also lied. And yeah, as if Hitler wrote in his most famous book that he’d use lies to trick people into supporting him.
It’s truly frightening to think of the cartoon history conservatives have constructed to support their worldview. They learned everything from old Hollywood movies and Rush Limbaugh’s Oxy fantasies, and honestly think everything they crap is gold because a rightwing billionaire will reward them for it.
This is a great week for him. The stock market is up nearly 250 points, none of his sons (that includes Jared) are going to jail (least right now), and he has guys from ‘team horseshoe’ (Greenwald, Tracey,etc.) and their fans willing to be his water boys.
Country music artists likely wish that they had this type of luck.
I like beer!