Discussion: MN GOPer Responds To Tweet On Robin Williams By Plugging Candidate

Discussion for article #226302

Mr. Fields, how wonderfully insensitive of you. You can make fun of people who are honestly feeling a sense of loss in the moment and chide them for being shallow. Somehow your response doesn’t convince me you have any empathy or compassion for anyone but yourself, much less changing Republican policies which are crushing all our hopes and opportunities. Shame on you.


These sort of clueless, obnoxious people have no business in politics. But without them, who would the GOP ever run?


I wonder when Ronald Reagan died if this guy felt any sadness? And, no, I don’t want to go back to the economy of the '80s. The only thing that propped up Reagan’s economy was the massive government spending and the enormous adding to our national debt.


Republicans never miss an opportunity to be insensitive assholes.

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I liked it lots that another republican, former Republican house communications staffer Kevin Watterson, responded to him on Twitter and told him to “Shut the fuck up.”

When Fields whined some more and told him to watch his mouth, Watterson replied:

“You are an officer of the state party and making an ass of all of us,” Watterson said. “Don’t tell me to watch my mouth.”

Dog knows the republicans don’t need any more help making asses of themselves on a daily basis.


When will these shit for brains Republicans learn that once something goes out over social media, they don’t get a Mulligan? Wretched Pubis should hand out copies of “Social Media For Dummies”


So–pile on, interwebs! Let’s get Fields fired!


Republicans just another pubic hair on a can of Coke.

Wonkette has a better write up and a more complete set of tweets. Including the exchange that started when a former state GOP communications official told him to “Shut. The. Fuck. Up.”


The tubes never forget.

Notice that it’s the candidate who’s apologizing – not the guy who sent the tweets. The reason should be because he’s been either fired or suspended. In this case, Fields is probably hiding under the desk muttering about how it’s other people’s fault that they didn’t see what a genius he is to link Robin Williams death to slamming liberals and promoting his boss. This is what happens when your empathy gland is never developed.

Right wingers are insanely competitive in political terms. Emphasis on insane

If it was Bruce Willis or Arnold Schwarzenegger he would be all mournful. He’s dismissive because Williams was too leftish for his taste.

I remember the 80’s well, newspapers only ran half a page in their classifieds jobs section. How can anyone forget that?

File this under the category of the all-too prevalent, ill-advised utterances known as “Tweets by Twits”.

Moral of the story – People lacking impulse control should not have Twitter accounts.
All too often, they have second thoughts about their foolish online comments and need to follow up with an apology:
“Forgive me Lord, for I know not what I tweet.”

Worse still are those dim-witted folks who are so callous and insensitive that they simply don’t ‘get it’, despite repeated efforts of justifiably outraged people who try to enlighten them.

Dear Republicans:


The American People