Discussion: Mitt Romney: VA Secretary Shinseki Must Go

Discussion for article #223269

You lost, go home and give it a rest.


Attaway, Mitt! Take the brave stance! Say the things nobody else is saying! That’s why you’re our President…

Wait, what?


Mitt who?..

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Megyn’s trying to be a journalist again after using Joe Scarborough for Mean Girl target practice.

Mitt Romney should focus on cleaning up in his dancing pony’s stables. That is a requirement for dodging taxes with a dancing pony exemption. Go away you disgusting lowlife.


Poor Mitt trying to stay relevant.


The electorate in the last presidential contest told Mitty he must go but for some reason he has not yet taken the time to listen, Anyone paying attention understands this disgraceful attitude toward vet’s health is a decades old problem. All of the “we honor your service” talk is cheap and vacuous…like the cliche’ about the weather…no one seems to want to do anything about it…


Geez - he’s getting to be like that annoying Sarah Palin, popping up and popping off as if he were relevant. Just go away!


He is obviously bored in retirement. Any charities he can donate his ample free time too?

Thanks President Romney for all your hard work and keen insight!

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Two terms please…

Who invited this guy!

Shouldn’t he and his buddies wrestle Megyn to the ground and cut off her hair or something?


Well, that tells me Shinseki must stay.


TPM READER: ROMNEY NEEDS TO GO. “He really needs to be removed.”

After FOX News vocally and publically supported a terrorist- THEY should be the ones to shut down and resign. Shinseki inherited this problem- a problem created by the Republicans who have been cutting spending on the VA for decades while marching our troops to war. In fact, every single Republican should do the honorable thing and resign from Congress.


He’d like to have to the VA sold off to Bain Capital?


What is it with Romney. He is all over the Fox News Channel. I guess in the Fox News bubble he is President. If the rest of us had wanted him to be President we would have elected him.

Note Republicans are exploiting this scandal to push their pet hobby horse, elimination of the VA. Republicans care about war. No Republican ever cares about a war fighter. It has been repeatedly documented that the VA provides outstanding care for our vets.

This scandal is a misdirected attempt by VA personnel to deal with a serious lack of funding. Instead of screaming they don’t have the personnel to meet increased demand after the Iraq and Afgan wars they tried to cover up the problem. If they can’t hire the staff to meet the demands Congress won’t fund maybe we should look at Congress. The nonsense about competition is baloney. There is no real competition in medicine in the private sector. Romney and his Republican buds just want to dump the special Veterans health problems they created on the rest of us.


I’d actually watch Fox to see that.