Discussion: Mitt Romney Reaction Not Run 2016

Discussion for article #232705

It is hard to believe that Romney is giving up. I think that he has plans to run as Christie’s VP if he can convince Christie. I think that Jeb Bush turned Romney down. If Romney was to run as Christie’s VP it would vault Christie to the head of the pack. Just my opinion.

I am saddened by Mitt Romney’s decision. He would be an excellent Republican nominee to have around the general election in 2016. I hope Mitt Romney focuses his considerable business skills on reducing the impact of the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch and their business ventures, who have insulted, demeaned and sullied his reputation by questioning his third run.

He did a pretty good job sullying his own reputation.


I’m guessing he saw 3 TIME LOSER in his future.


“I can’t say I was surprised, because I honestly thought he could have gone either way,” Kathryn Packer Gage, a former deputy campaign manager on Romney’s 2012 campaign

Wow! Some real deep, heavy thinking going on there; “it could have gone either way.”


Romney wanted to rain on Jeb’s parade and he did. Then everyone else started raining on his and he didn’t like it. Mitt made a fool of himself for no discernible reason, what a buffoon.


Yeah, they didn’t want to see this again going for the presidency:

Senator Rand Paul :heavy_check_mark: @SenRandPaul

I hope to work together with Mitt to grow our party and lead our country forward.

Forward over the cliff, lemmings.

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What possible value would a former east coast blue state old white dude whose former state won’t vote for him and who the Base doesn’t care for unless he almost guarantees a win, add to an east coast blue state middle-aged fat dude with a massive in-state disapproval and a slow-moving scandal who the Base doesn’t care for, except make the latter look fatter? How could THAT possibly “balance the ticket”?

Especially when there’s two other blue state governors, in Walker and Kasich, and 3 purple state pols available in Jeb and Randy Paul, all (currently, apparently) indictment free?

The Base DESPISES losers, and the GOP’s certainly not about to risk a coupla billion in election cash from Big Corp and Wall Street nominating someone who’s indicted or close to indictments, unless there’s a court apparatus in place to pretty much guarantee the indictment process won’t sully him.

WANTED: Candidates For National Party Nomination To POTUS. Preferred (Necessary) Qualifications: White, Male, Currently Sitting -Or- Recently Past State Governor -Or- Failing Either Then US Senator, No Past History Of Losing A Plus (Must); No Candidates Currently Under Indictment Or Who Might Reasonably Possibly Be Indicted Or Named An Unindicted Co-Conpirator Need Apply. Expect To Produce C.V. As Inveterate Panderer Or Winner Pedigree.


My sense of humor took this news very badly.

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Buh Bai Willard
And don’t say it hasn’t been fun, because it hasn’t.
To steal a film quote from Bill Murray: “I’m gonna get you a nice fruit basket. Oh I.m gonna miss him.”
One clown down, and what? A dozen or so to go.
At this rate the Grumpy Old Party might be able to spring for another pair of Kochroaches to pull the clown car in say 2024 or so.


cheer up. we’ve still got the trump and the tramp!


I’m baffled as to why Romney’s campaign staff from last time wants him to run again. Because it was so much fun and such a huge success?

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I thought it could go either way too.

Mutton, after testing the waters, found them icy cold.
His new lies were no better than his old lies and by now, everyone knows that he’s lying. He was actually trying to pass off, caring, for the poor. Now that’s rich.

Nah. Romney’s a proven loser on a national ticket. If anything, it would RUIN Christie’s chances. (Although I don’t think Christie has a chance in hell, anyway.)

One less clown in the car, that leaves 99 more.

I think the first clue was when he intruduced his new character " Exactly Opposite Mitt". Everybody laughed. It only got 2 days in the press.