He’s running away from the candidate of his own party 30 days before the election.
The GOP is so fucking fucked.
He’s not even oily, like Ryan. It’s a total Fuck U to Trump.
Popcorn! Salt! Butter! Cocaine! Let’s party.
oops… “cocaine” was locker room banter. I’m a changed man now, 30 seconds later.
I have never seen a yellow turtle before.
Yeah, and the odd thing is that Senator Yertle (R-Turtle) isn’t even up for re-election this year.
Profile in Courage! Wow!.
Unintensionally he said more by not saying anything.
I love Minority leader
Profiles in Courage
2016 Edition
For Mitch and Paul Ryan:
THEY regretted not speaking out and rejecting Hitler when he started his white nationalist speeches. Republican leadership needs to study history from Nazi Germany because Trump is not just a problem for women although that seems to have outraged enough people to make a difference. Trump’s white nationalism is the same as the white supremacy skin head movement.
Wake up Mitch and little boy Paul Ryan…you are allowing Trump to continue by failing to reject him! And others like him like Chris Christie and Paul LePage. Racism and discrimination and exploiting women are all the same thing and they must be totally rejected!
“I’m the majority leader of the Senate in the legislative branch of government, and I refuse to talk about our party’s embarrassing and unqualified nominee to be President in the executive branch of government who we really want in office to help us install politically-biased Supreme Court justices and other federal judges in the judicial branch of government. Now, vote Republican - because we are awesome.”
As I was writing last night, these people are WORSE than the enablers of Hitler, because they know how the story ends. They know with what fire they are playing.
Yertle the Turtle has no balls…
bold leadership™
Looks like someone is wearing their halloween 'walking dead" costume to the party…
I’ve never been aligned with most planks in any republican platform, but man is this a completely fucked up party in so many other regards even outside of policies. And it’s all developed out of their own strategy.
So that makes it very safe for him to make these comments about DT. There will be no personal repercussions.
“I’m not here to talk about Donald Trump. Please clap.”
Total coward. Will be so glad when he is loses his Majority Leader position and though I have to wait a few more years, I’ll be so damn thrilled to be rid of him for good! Awful man, truly awful man.
Oh, but he is up for losing the “Majority” part of his title. That will substitute nicely.
And that strange “haw haw haw haw thump” sound you just heard was Harry Reid actually laughing his ass all the way off.