Discussion: Mitch McConnell: 'I'm A Big Fan Of Vaccinations' Since I Had Polio

Discussion for article #232827

Too bad thereā€™s no vaccine for being an evil, self-centered plutocrat puppet who panders to racism and bigotry to further shift power to the wealthy. The polio stick may have ā€œstruckā€ him, but he got full-on anal raped by THAT stickā€¦pretty sure it got broken off in there.


Now theyā€™re all out trying to do damage controlā€¦ Its such a shame most Americans donā€™t pay attention to this crap - theyā€™d never vote Republican if they only knewā€¦

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The ā€œtheyā€™reā€ you are referring to is what laughably goes by the term ā€œGOP establishment.ā€ The problem is now both Boner and Yertle own this venal and highly stupid crowd. They realize how bad this looks to the majority of Americans and want to try to minimize the damage.

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Funny how people who have lived in a world without vaccinations for a serous disease have no difficulty being in favor of them.


Looks like someone in the Republican party got a look at the polls on this one.

Not to take anything away from the reasonable response McTurtle gave, but does anyone really believe heā€™d have that view if it hadnā€™t affected him personally? Its like that for most issues with Republicans. If they havenā€™t personally experienced something, they have no clue as to which position to take, so they generally opt for the most offensive one just so they can rally their base with anything thatā€™s in opposition to the Presidentā€™s stance. Glad that McTurtle didnā€™t go that route this time.


Probably because they got to see people suffering from those diseases. I remember all too well the polio epidemic in the '50s before Salkā€™s vaccine became available. Seeing a classmate in an iron lung is hard to forget not to mention classmates with braces for limbs that no longer functioned normally. My brother and I also went through the usual childhood diseases which had no vaccine available at the time. My brother is deaf in one ear thanks to one of those diseases.


I believe that Mitch responded in the correct way to this. Note what he didnā€™t say: he didnā€™t say that vaccines should be required. He may even believe the libertarian view. He had, however, the good sense not to SAY IT like his junior senator did.

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I had no idea that polio could be so devastating to oneā€™s humanity.


He was a coward to flop on the mandate. The turtle withdrew into his shell without taking a stand.

Yeah, I was thinking that somewhere in Bonerā€™s and McConnellā€™s offices, little flashing lights were going off warning of another imminent electoral meltdown.

Finally, Mitch is on the right side of somethingā€¦only because it applied to him once.

Wait a minute. He had polio, and GOP prez hopeful Carly Fiorina said yesterday, "I got chicken pox, I got measles, I got mumps.ā€ when she was a child. Tomorrow, weā€™ll hear that Christie had rubella. Is there a way to fact-check these claims?

If I were a parent who had a child who might be subject to ā€¦ any particular disease I would come down on the side of vaccination

So, which particular ones to choose? Measles can kill you, but that FDR guy had polio, and he was president. So, Chicken Pox, and Measles, yesā€¦Polio, no. My kid is gonna be President!

Talk about ā€˜picking a hill to die onā€™ - itā€™s like the entire GOP has had its pants set on fire and has decided as a group to let the fire go on and blaze away as it or God wills, all to impress the most remotely moronic in its Base.


The right side is to be on record for mandatory vaccines unless your kids are in a bubble all their childhood.

Rob Portman: Since my son told me heā€™s gay, Iā€™m in favor of same-sex marriage.
Mitch McConnell: Since I had polio, Iā€™m a big fan of vaccinations.

I have a hard time congratulating McConnell for finally getting something right. It looks like more of the I-me-mine GOP thought process that only accepts government policy when it personally affects them. Vaccination is a public health issue as much or more than it is a personal health issue.


you have some republicans who think this is about parental personal choice. strange that many of these same people reject a womanā€™s right to choose.

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Mitch was poor, though, and couldnā€™t get the fancy polio all the rich and government hand-out kids were gettingā€¦

Rand Paul: Since Iā€™m bald, I think the government should give every bald person some roadkill to wear on his head.